High power consumption, equipment unhandiness, and need for consumable materials prevent wide introduction of electrochemical methods of water and water solutions cleaning. This article presents the results of tests of industrial discharged water cleaning applying electrochemical method and shows the mechanism of this process.Широкому внедрению электрохимических методов обработки воды и водных растворов препятствуют энергозатраты, громоздкость оборудования и необходимость расходных материалов. В статье представлены результаты испытаний электрохимического способа очистки сточных вод промышленных предприятий и механизм этого процесса
The mechanism for the electrooxidation of procarbazine in alkaline media has been proposed. The proc...
The unsufficient attention is paid to the development of the given process mathematical model, in sp...
UK: В роботі надані результати теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень щодо параметрів електричн...
High power consumption, equipment unhandiness, and need for consumable materials prevent wide introd...
As it was shown in analyzing the works dealing with the electrical discharge in water or other subst...
The review is devoted to the analysis of main principles and possibility of use of electrodeionizati...
The article is devoted to modern research in the field of ecologically safe and simultaneously effec...
The electric current of the solutions spray is defined experimentally depending on the hydrostatic p...
The basic physicochemical methods of sewages clearing of galvanic productions in Ukraine are reviewe...
Influence of electro-bit treatment is in-process investigational on structural properties of water. ...
Рассмотрен случай формирования мощного кучево-дождевого облака с водяным смерчем над Финским заливом...
У статті досліджується проблема антропогенного забруднення природної води фармацевтичними речовинами...
Technology electrolytic precipitation of metals in electrolytes of superlow concentration components...
Обоснована необходимость использования для повышения эффективности систем газоочистки дополнительног...
The article contains information on possible methods of obtaining distilled water in the field. The ...
The mechanism for the electrooxidation of procarbazine in alkaline media has been proposed. The proc...
The unsufficient attention is paid to the development of the given process mathematical model, in sp...
UK: В роботі надані результати теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень щодо параметрів електричн...
High power consumption, equipment unhandiness, and need for consumable materials prevent wide introd...
As it was shown in analyzing the works dealing with the electrical discharge in water or other subst...
The review is devoted to the analysis of main principles and possibility of use of electrodeionizati...
The article is devoted to modern research in the field of ecologically safe and simultaneously effec...
The electric current of the solutions spray is defined experimentally depending on the hydrostatic p...
The basic physicochemical methods of sewages clearing of galvanic productions in Ukraine are reviewe...
Influence of electro-bit treatment is in-process investigational on structural properties of water. ...
Рассмотрен случай формирования мощного кучево-дождевого облака с водяным смерчем над Финским заливом...
У статті досліджується проблема антропогенного забруднення природної води фармацевтичними речовинами...
Technology electrolytic precipitation of metals in electrolytes of superlow concentration components...
Обоснована необходимость использования для повышения эффективности систем газоочистки дополнительног...
The article contains information on possible methods of obtaining distilled water in the field. The ...
The mechanism for the electrooxidation of procarbazine in alkaline media has been proposed. The proc...
The unsufficient attention is paid to the development of the given process mathematical model, in sp...
UK: В роботі надані результати теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень щодо параметрів електричн...