1. By the reaction of diazomethane with diethyl acetylphosphonate diethyl 1,2-epoxy-1-methylethylphosphonate and a little diethyl acetonylphosphonate were obtained. 2. Diethyl 1,2-epoxy-1-methylethylphosphonate was obtained also by the oxidation of diethyl isopropenyl-phosphonate with peroxyacetic acid. 3. By the reaction of diazomethane with diethyl benzoylphosphonate diethyl phenacylphosphonate was obtained. 4. The addition of phosphorus pentachloride to α-ethoxystyrene gave β-ethoxystyrylphosphonic dichloride, which was converted into diethyl β-ethoxystyrylphosphonate. Hydrolysis of the latter gave diethyl phenacylphosphonate. © 1964 Consultants Bureau Enterprises, Inc