Tonalumo ir konkrečių su tonaliąja muzikos kalba tapatinamų muzikos kalbos elementų apraiškos posttonaliojoje XX a. muzikoje paskatino patyrinėti konsonuojančio trigarsio (tercinės sandaros kvintakordo, įskaitant ir jo apvertimus) situaciją. Akivaizdu, kad šiuolaikinės muzikos kūrėjų santykis su šiuo akordu, kuris neretai laikomas vienu pagrindinių tonaliosios harmonijos atributų, nevienareikšmis. Straipsnyje susitelkiama į Gérard’o Genette’o transtekstualumo teoriją, kuria remiantis trigarsis interpretuojamas kaip metatekstualus elementas. Akordas kūriniuose įterpiamas kaip svetimkūnis į atonaliąją muziką, jis įgauna prasminę funkciją modalioje struktūroje arba gali tapti organiška naujojo tonalumo harmonijos dalimi. Dėmesys atkreipiamas i...
Throughout the centuries, music theorists have consistently designated the augmented triad as disso...
Iki šių dienų eksploatuojamu keturgarsiu išliekanti Tristano akordu vadinama garsų struktūra ypating...
The study offers a systematic exploration of situations in which dyads in common-practice tonal musi...
Twentieth-century Russian music exhibits a diversity of approaches to triadic composition. Triads ap...
Twentieth-century Russian music exhibits a diversity of approaches to triadic composition. Triads ap...
Recent developments in music theory have offered new ways of analyzing and interpreting music that u...
Recent developments in music theory have offered new ways of analyzing and interpreting music that u...
An extended work in two movements, trope en trop is scored for a mixed chamber sextet of flute (doub...
Abstract. Uniform Triadic Transformations, more commonly referred to as UTTs, are certain functions ...
Piano Trio is an original composition, commissioned by Austrian Government/Austrian Radio (score pub...
This thesis provides a detailed examination of the theoretical structures, compositional possibiliti...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBu araştırmanın amacı Klasik Batı müziğinde Klasik Döneme ait armoni ve biçim unsu...
The subject of this paper is the cognition of triadic progressions in 19th century tonal music. Musi...
The paper considers the basic postulates of the harmony language of Nikola Hercigonja (1911–2000) in...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBu araştırmanın amacı Klasik Batı musikisinde Romantik Döneme ait armoni ve biçim ...
Throughout the centuries, music theorists have consistently designated the augmented triad as disso...
Iki šių dienų eksploatuojamu keturgarsiu išliekanti Tristano akordu vadinama garsų struktūra ypating...
The study offers a systematic exploration of situations in which dyads in common-practice tonal musi...
Twentieth-century Russian music exhibits a diversity of approaches to triadic composition. Triads ap...
Twentieth-century Russian music exhibits a diversity of approaches to triadic composition. Triads ap...
Recent developments in music theory have offered new ways of analyzing and interpreting music that u...
Recent developments in music theory have offered new ways of analyzing and interpreting music that u...
An extended work in two movements, trope en trop is scored for a mixed chamber sextet of flute (doub...
Abstract. Uniform Triadic Transformations, more commonly referred to as UTTs, are certain functions ...
Piano Trio is an original composition, commissioned by Austrian Government/Austrian Radio (score pub...
This thesis provides a detailed examination of the theoretical structures, compositional possibiliti...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBu araştırmanın amacı Klasik Batı müziğinde Klasik Döneme ait armoni ve biçim unsu...
The subject of this paper is the cognition of triadic progressions in 19th century tonal music. Musi...
The paper considers the basic postulates of the harmony language of Nikola Hercigonja (1911–2000) in...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBu araştırmanın amacı Klasik Batı musikisinde Romantik Döneme ait armoni ve biçim ...
Throughout the centuries, music theorists have consistently designated the augmented triad as disso...
Iki šių dienų eksploatuojamu keturgarsiu išliekanti Tristano akordu vadinama garsų struktūra ypating...
The study offers a systematic exploration of situations in which dyads in common-practice tonal musi...