Informelles Lernen nimmt eine immer wichtigere Rolle im Rahmen der beruflichen Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften ein (Eraut 2004). Erworbenes Wissen und berufsspezifische Fähigkeiten alleine reichen als Voraussetzung für eine Beschäftigung nicht mehr aus um für die Implementation neuer Lehr-/Lernansätze und die Sicherung der Qualität der Veranstaltungen garantieren zu können (Finsterwald et al. 2013). Diese Studie vertritt eine gestaltungsorientierte, mediendidaktische Perspektive und befasst sich mit der Fragestellung in wie fern soziale Medien eine Möglichkeit bieten informelles Lernen initiieren und fördern zu können.Informal learning is playing an increasingly important role in the professional development of teachers (Eraut 2004). Acquired...
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit befasst sich mit den Einstellungen der Lehrpersonen hinsichtlich der So...
If upwards of 70% of learning is informal (Kim et al. 2004) and Web 2.0 social software will have a ...
A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions ...
Twitter can contribute to the continuous professional development of teachers by initiating and fost...
Twitter can contribute to the continuous professional development of teachers by initiating and fost...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the results of an observational study on the use of F...
The paper describes the experience of an informal education European project, which uses the possibi...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the results of an observational study on the use of F...
Open, online environments like social media are now a mainstay of life-long informal learning. Socia...
© 2015 Taylor & Francis. It is argued that social media has the potential to bridge formal and infor...
Social media are more than a system of digitalized technologies, they also content information how t...
Informal learning, the learning which takes place serendipitously, without a directed curriculum, an...
The paper argues that didactical designers, teachers, and re-searchers can learn from informal learn...
Social Media wird nicht nur zum Zweck der Außendarstellung einer Hochschule verwendet, sondern auch,...
The paper argues that didactical designers, teachers, and researchers can learn from informal learni...
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit befasst sich mit den Einstellungen der Lehrpersonen hinsichtlich der So...
If upwards of 70% of learning is informal (Kim et al. 2004) and Web 2.0 social software will have a ...
A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions ...
Twitter can contribute to the continuous professional development of teachers by initiating and fost...
Twitter can contribute to the continuous professional development of teachers by initiating and fost...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the results of an observational study on the use of F...
The paper describes the experience of an informal education European project, which uses the possibi...
The main objective of this paper is to examine the results of an observational study on the use of F...
Open, online environments like social media are now a mainstay of life-long informal learning. Socia...
© 2015 Taylor & Francis. It is argued that social media has the potential to bridge formal and infor...
Social media are more than a system of digitalized technologies, they also content information how t...
Informal learning, the learning which takes place serendipitously, without a directed curriculum, an...
The paper argues that didactical designers, teachers, and re-searchers can learn from informal learn...
Social Media wird nicht nur zum Zweck der Außendarstellung einer Hochschule verwendet, sondern auch,...
The paper argues that didactical designers, teachers, and researchers can learn from informal learni...
Die vorliegende Masterarbeit befasst sich mit den Einstellungen der Lehrpersonen hinsichtlich der So...
If upwards of 70% of learning is informal (Kim et al. 2004) and Web 2.0 social software will have a ...
A large part of the daily life today means being active online and to take part in the interactions ...