Teripang pasir (Holothurai scabra) dan rumput laut Gracilaria sp merupakan komuditi laut yang bernilai ekonomis dan mempunyai prospek yang baik dipasaran. Kedua komuditi ini, jika dipelihara bersama tentunya akan memberikan nilai tambah bagi pembudidaya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi polikultur teripang pasir, (H. scabra) dan Gracilaria sp. yang dipelihara pada pen-culture.Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April – Mei 2018 di perairan desa Rat, Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara. Teripang pasir ditimbang dan ditebar pada Pen-culture berukuran 4 x 3 meter dengan kepadatan 40 individu/Pen-culture. Bibit Gracilaria diambil dari thallus muda yang diikat menjadi satu rumpun dan ditagging. Setelah itu, Gracilaria ditimbang dan dit...
Ketepatan aspek pakan pada larva stadia planktonis merupakan pendukung utama keberhasilan budidaya t...
Sea cucumber Holothuria scabra was reared on a small scale with the addition of seaweed Gracilaria s...
Abstract. The snubnose pompano Trachinotus blochii is one of the important commercial fishery commod...
Sandfish (Holothurai scabra) and seaweed Gracilaria sp are marine commodities that have economic val...
Sea cucumbers are an Indonesian fisheries export commodity. Sea cucumber populations that are endang...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan teripang pasir H. scabra di karamba jaring tan...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan teripang pasir H. scabra di karamba jaring tan...
The sandfish (Holothuria scraba) is one of biological resources which have high economic value. Howe...
The sandfish (Holothuria scraba) is one of biological resources which have high economic value. Howe...
AbstractSea cucumber Holothuria sp. is a marine biota that has economic value. The rearing activity ...
ABSTRACT Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) is one of endangered species, which has high economical value ...
Kajian yang dijalankan adalah bagi menentukan keupayaan Gracilaria changii (rumpai laut merah) berti...
The objectives of this study was to know the growth rate and production of sea weed of Gracila...
The purpose of the research was to identify the highest production of Gracilaria verrucosa cultivate...
The research was aimed to community pond in Borimasunggu, Maros, South Sulawesi. Aiming to socializ...
Ketepatan aspek pakan pada larva stadia planktonis merupakan pendukung utama keberhasilan budidaya t...
Sea cucumber Holothuria scabra was reared on a small scale with the addition of seaweed Gracilaria s...
Abstract. The snubnose pompano Trachinotus blochii is one of the important commercial fishery commod...
Sandfish (Holothurai scabra) and seaweed Gracilaria sp are marine commodities that have economic val...
Sea cucumbers are an Indonesian fisheries export commodity. Sea cucumber populations that are endang...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan teripang pasir H. scabra di karamba jaring tan...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan teripang pasir H. scabra di karamba jaring tan...
The sandfish (Holothuria scraba) is one of biological resources which have high economic value. Howe...
The sandfish (Holothuria scraba) is one of biological resources which have high economic value. Howe...
AbstractSea cucumber Holothuria sp. is a marine biota that has economic value. The rearing activity ...
ABSTRACT Sandfish (Holothuria scabra) is one of endangered species, which has high economical value ...
Kajian yang dijalankan adalah bagi menentukan keupayaan Gracilaria changii (rumpai laut merah) berti...
The objectives of this study was to know the growth rate and production of sea weed of Gracila...
The purpose of the research was to identify the highest production of Gracilaria verrucosa cultivate...
The research was aimed to community pond in Borimasunggu, Maros, South Sulawesi. Aiming to socializ...
Ketepatan aspek pakan pada larva stadia planktonis merupakan pendukung utama keberhasilan budidaya t...
Sea cucumber Holothuria scabra was reared on a small scale with the addition of seaweed Gracilaria s...
Abstract. The snubnose pompano Trachinotus blochii is one of the important commercial fishery commod...