Southern and western Madagascar is comprised of five tectonic provinces that, from northeast to southwest, are defined by the: (i) Ikalamavony, (ii) Anosyen, (iii) Androyen, (iv) Graphite and (v) Vohibory Domains. The Ikalamavony, Graphite and Vohibory Domains all have intermediate and felsic igneous protoliths of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite-granite composition, with positive εNd, and low Sr and Pb isotopic ratios. All three domains are interpreted to be the products of intra-oceanic island arc magmatism. The protoliths of the Ikalamavony and Graphite Domains formed repectively between c. 1080–980 Ma and 1000–920 Ma, whereas those of the Vohibory Domain are younger and date to between c. 670–630 Ma. Different post-formation geologic ...