Sufficiently complete system of S-functions is offers, it’s allows for the first time in world science practice to describe the real physical boundaries and the surface area of any given shape in the asymptotic approximation to any desired accuracy grade with continuously differentiable functions of ωПредлагается система S-функций, позволяющая впервые в мировой научной практике описывать реальные границы и поверхности областей любой заданной формы в асимптотическом приближении заданной степенью точности с непрерывно-дифференцируемыми функциями ωПропонується система S-функцій, що дозволяє вперше у світовій науковій практиці описувати фізично реальні межі і поверхні областей будь-якої заданої форми в асимптотичному наближенні заданим ступенем...
Рассмотрена задача свободных колебаний параллелограммных пластин, для решения которой исследована во...
The complex of information support is suggested for the research of organism compensatoryand defense...
Экспериментально изучена зависимость коэффициента усиления предметной световой волны при двухволново...
The problem decision of a liquid filtration through the bottom of soil hydroengineering structure by...
By using a modification of a numerical-analytic method for successive approximations, the problems o...
Proposed is a multiple model of didactic knowledge which allows to apply decomposition methods and m...
It is offered an asymptotic method of calculation and study of the eigen vibrations of thin elastic ...
Mathematical models of the angle measurement errors for highly precise measurement of angles in the ...
We consider the procedure for conducting environmental research focus, which should be implemented a...
Efficiencies of orthogonal transformations in bases of discrete-exponential functions and functions ...
Linearly-elastic fluctuations of a surface envelope parts of an internal framework of a three-sedate...
The article analyzes the methodological principles of pragmatic and cognitive paradigms of linguisti...
Современное развитие вычислительной техники и информационных технологий позволили отечественной атом...
Modern science which probes various displays musically of creative activity of man is the difficult ...
It is offered for the decision of a problem of increase of efficiency of functioning ergotic complex...
Рассмотрена задача свободных колебаний параллелограммных пластин, для решения которой исследована во...
The complex of information support is suggested for the research of organism compensatoryand defense...
Экспериментально изучена зависимость коэффициента усиления предметной световой волны при двухволново...
The problem decision of a liquid filtration through the bottom of soil hydroengineering structure by...
By using a modification of a numerical-analytic method for successive approximations, the problems o...
Proposed is a multiple model of didactic knowledge which allows to apply decomposition methods and m...
It is offered an asymptotic method of calculation and study of the eigen vibrations of thin elastic ...
Mathematical models of the angle measurement errors for highly precise measurement of angles in the ...
We consider the procedure for conducting environmental research focus, which should be implemented a...
Efficiencies of orthogonal transformations in bases of discrete-exponential functions and functions ...
Linearly-elastic fluctuations of a surface envelope parts of an internal framework of a three-sedate...
The article analyzes the methodological principles of pragmatic and cognitive paradigms of linguisti...
Современное развитие вычислительной техники и информационных технологий позволили отечественной атом...
Modern science which probes various displays musically of creative activity of man is the difficult ...
It is offered for the decision of a problem of increase of efficiency of functioning ergotic complex...
Рассмотрена задача свободных колебаний параллелограммных пластин, для решения которой исследована во...
The complex of information support is suggested for the research of organism compensatoryand defense...
Экспериментально изучена зависимость коэффициента усиления предметной световой волны при двухволново...