本稿は中国の六朝時代における巫俗 (巫術・シャマニズム) に関する事例を検討して、その強固なる残存とともに、仏教の伝来および中国社会の内部から生じた准世界的宗教である道教と巫俗との交渉を考察し、こうした宗教文化の交流の中から近世にまで及んだ道教文化の形成が進められたことを概観したものである。By examining some examples of shamanism in the Six Dynasties period in China, this article studies its inexorable survival, the introduction of Buddhism, and the intercourse between shamanism and Taoism, semiworld-wide religion which was generated within the Chinese society, outlining the formation of the Taoistic culture to the modern age by the connection of those religious cultures
In this article,I would like to examine the Ugechiin the Mongolian society in Horqin region of Inner...
This thesis examines the development and the social functions of Shamanism in the Song Dynasty (960-...
Cet article propose une première description et analyse de la vie religieuse à l’époque moderne dans...
Shamanistic oral traditions in the form of primitive religion have come down to the present from anc...
本誌四九巻一号(一九六六年一月) 所載の拙論の補説であるとともに、韓国の閔成基・閔斗基二氏の縵田法についての説を紹介した。『呂氏春秋』の四篇には上田・下田に共通した農法が述べられているのであって、決し...
特集 : 東アジアの民俗学 --歴史と課題--Special Issue : Histories and agendas of East Asian Folklore Studies本稿は,一国を単位...
Šī darba tēma ir „Ķīnas ji mazākumtautības šamanisms Junnaņas provincē.” Darbs ir veltīts Ķīnas mazā...
Maģistra darbs “Vu un šamanisko elementu loma Šan dinastijas (ap 1600.–1046. g. p.m.ē.) reliģiskajā ...
This paper presents information on the shamanic religious system practiced among the Tu ethnic group...
In this article,I would like to examine the Ugechiin the Mongolian society in Horqin region of Inner...
This thesis examines the development and the social functions of Shamanism in the Song Dynasty (960-...
Cet article propose une première description et analyse de la vie religieuse à l’époque moderne dans...
Shamanistic oral traditions in the form of primitive religion have come down to the present from anc...
本誌四九巻一号(一九六六年一月) 所載の拙論の補説であるとともに、韓国の閔成基・閔斗基二氏の縵田法についての説を紹介した。『呂氏春秋』の四篇には上田・下田に共通した農法が述べられているのであって、決し...
特集 : 東アジアの民俗学 --歴史と課題--Special Issue : Histories and agendas of East Asian Folklore Studies本稿は,一国を単位...
Šī darba tēma ir „Ķīnas ji mazākumtautības šamanisms Junnaņas provincē.” Darbs ir veltīts Ķīnas mazā...
Maģistra darbs “Vu un šamanisko elementu loma Šan dinastijas (ap 1600.–1046. g. p.m.ē.) reliģiskajā ...
This paper presents information on the shamanic religious system practiced among the Tu ethnic group...
In this article,I would like to examine the Ugechiin the Mongolian society in Horqin region of Inner...
This thesis examines the development and the social functions of Shamanism in the Song Dynasty (960-...
Cet article propose une première description et analyse de la vie religieuse à l’époque moderne dans...