In a ever globalising world the threat posed by invasive insect species is on the rise. Semiochemical attractants developed for invasive insects allow for early detection of an incursion of invasive insects through trapping networks. These semiochemical technologies are being developed at a rapid pace for many high risk invasive insects. However, the methods used in trapping programs have remained largely the same since the 1970s. Maintaining these grids requires large labour investments, as traps need to be manually inspected. This limits the number of insect species which can be monitored. A simple sensor capable of detecting insects caught in traps has the potential to reduce labour costs and allow faster detection of invasive insects...
we introduce a novel cost-efficient pheromone sensing based pest detection that uses a microelectrom...
Detection and monitoring of stored-product insects is essential to an integrated pest management sys...
Insects play crucial roles in ecosystems, and how they disperse within their habitat has significant...
Several lepidopterans are pests in horticulture and pose biosecurity risks to trading countries worl...
Insects play a quintessential role in the Earth’s ecosystems and their recent decline in abundance a...
We present a novel bimodal optoelectronic sensor based on Fresnel lenses and the associated stereo-r...
Certain insects affect cultivations in a detrimental way. A notable case is the olive fruit fly (Bact...
Τhe concept of remote insect surveillance at large spatial scales for many serious insect pests of a...
Abstract—Insects are intimately connected to human life and wellbeing, in both positive and negative...
AbstractIntegrated pest management relies on insect pest monitoring to support the decision of count...
One of the key issues for those involved in farming and greenhouse is the use of pesticides. In a re...
Insects have a strong relationship with the humanity, in both positive and negative ways. It is esti...
For certain countries, the production of olive oil and fruits is a significant percentage of the tot...
Insecticides are enormously important to industry requirements and market demands in agriculture. De...
Insect pests are a significant risk to the agricultural and horticultural sectors and present a majo...
we introduce a novel cost-efficient pheromone sensing based pest detection that uses a microelectrom...
Detection and monitoring of stored-product insects is essential to an integrated pest management sys...
Insects play crucial roles in ecosystems, and how they disperse within their habitat has significant...
Several lepidopterans are pests in horticulture and pose biosecurity risks to trading countries worl...
Insects play a quintessential role in the Earth’s ecosystems and their recent decline in abundance a...
We present a novel bimodal optoelectronic sensor based on Fresnel lenses and the associated stereo-r...
Certain insects affect cultivations in a detrimental way. A notable case is the olive fruit fly (Bact...
Τhe concept of remote insect surveillance at large spatial scales for many serious insect pests of a...
Abstract—Insects are intimately connected to human life and wellbeing, in both positive and negative...
AbstractIntegrated pest management relies on insect pest monitoring to support the decision of count...
One of the key issues for those involved in farming and greenhouse is the use of pesticides. In a re...
Insects have a strong relationship with the humanity, in both positive and negative ways. It is esti...
For certain countries, the production of olive oil and fruits is a significant percentage of the tot...
Insecticides are enormously important to industry requirements and market demands in agriculture. De...
Insect pests are a significant risk to the agricultural and horticultural sectors and present a majo...
we introduce a novel cost-efficient pheromone sensing based pest detection that uses a microelectrom...
Detection and monitoring of stored-product insects is essential to an integrated pest management sys...
Insects play crucial roles in ecosystems, and how they disperse within their habitat has significant...