Specific Absorption Rates in the human head due to circular metallic earrings at 1800MHz

  • W.G. Whittow (1223946)
  • C.J. Panagamuwa (7201922)
  • R.M. Edwards (7204640)
  • J.C. Vardaxoglou (1223952)
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Publication date
January 2007


This paper investigates Specific Absorption Rates (SAR) in the human head due to circular metallic earrings at 1800MHz. A Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) code was used to analyse different sizes and positions of circular earrings near a homogenous cubic phantom. Results showed good agreement with measurements using the flat section of the SAM twin phantom with the DASY4 measurement system. The excitation was a half wave dipole. Metallic loops with a circumference of approximately one wavelength and positioned 14mm away from the phantom increased the 10g SAR by 5 times. The FDTD code has also been used to analyse the effect of metallic earrings when ‘pierced’ through the ear of an anatomically realistic digital human head based on the V...

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