This paper aims to investigate the potential of advanced radiator controls to reduce space heating energy demand in dwellings. The study uses Dynamic Thermal Modelling (DTM) to compare the space heating energy consumption of dwellings with programmable Thermostatic Radiator Valves (TRVs) and dwellings with conventional TRVs. Conventional TRVs can often lead to overheating or heating rooms when not required. Programmable TRVs can overcome these limitations and this study employs DTM software package, DesignBuilder to estimate the resultant heating energy savings in a semi-detached dwelling. It is found that use of programmable TRVs can lead to space heating energy savings of up to 30%, without reducing thermal comfort of occupants
With an old mean construction age, Italian buildings are considered as long-lasting goods; 75% and 1...
This report summarises the findings of an evidence review of the energy savings, cost-effectiveness ...
The UK faces a significant retrofit challenge, especially with its housing stock of old, hard-to-tre...
This paper aims to investigate the potential of advanced radiator controls to reduce space heating e...
This paper provides an analysis of the relationships between dwelling, household and motivation, beh...
In the UK, in centrally heated dwellings, space heating is commonly controlled by a whole house ther...
This paper introduces a model that has been developed from first principles to support the analysis ...
Most existing houses in the UK have a single thermostat, a timer and conventional thermostatic radia...
Italian buildings are considered long-lasting goods with an old mean construction age; 75% and 17 % ...
This paper describes the application of dynamic energy simulation in order to analyze the applicatio...
This paper describes the application of dynamic energy simulation in order to analyze the applicatio...
Ph. D. ThesisThis thesis proposes a theoretical study which mainly utilizes experimental test, quant...
The UK has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels. W...
Over the past thirty years, heating in at least 79% of UK homes has involved warming the entire indo...
The UK faces a significant retrofit challenge, especially with its housing stock of old, hard-to-tre...
With an old mean construction age, Italian buildings are considered as long-lasting goods; 75% and 1...
This report summarises the findings of an evidence review of the energy savings, cost-effectiveness ...
The UK faces a significant retrofit challenge, especially with its housing stock of old, hard-to-tre...
This paper aims to investigate the potential of advanced radiator controls to reduce space heating e...
This paper provides an analysis of the relationships between dwelling, household and motivation, beh...
In the UK, in centrally heated dwellings, space heating is commonly controlled by a whole house ther...
This paper introduces a model that has been developed from first principles to support the analysis ...
Most existing houses in the UK have a single thermostat, a timer and conventional thermostatic radia...
Italian buildings are considered long-lasting goods with an old mean construction age; 75% and 17 % ...
This paper describes the application of dynamic energy simulation in order to analyze the applicatio...
This paper describes the application of dynamic energy simulation in order to analyze the applicatio...
Ph. D. ThesisThis thesis proposes a theoretical study which mainly utilizes experimental test, quant...
The UK has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050, compared to 1990 levels. W...
Over the past thirty years, heating in at least 79% of UK homes has involved warming the entire indo...
The UK faces a significant retrofit challenge, especially with its housing stock of old, hard-to-tre...
With an old mean construction age, Italian buildings are considered as long-lasting goods; 75% and 1...
This report summarises the findings of an evidence review of the energy savings, cost-effectiveness ...
The UK faces a significant retrofit challenge, especially with its housing stock of old, hard-to-tre...