The phenomenon of breaking the bond between the aggregates and the bitumen is known as stripping. Stripping of asphalt films from the surface of aggregate particles results in premature failure of asphalt pavement. This causes weakening of pavement resistance to rutting and fatigue. Furthermore, moisture damage increases the susceptibility of pavement to reveling, a distress that causes the loss of skid resistance on surface of the road and deterioration of pavement. Surfactant additive or adhesive agent is a surface-active agent that changes (lowers) the surface tension of rock materials. Introduction of surfactant additive results in increased strength of adhesive bond between bitumen and the rock materials surface preventing stripping th...
US Transportation Collection2022PDFTech ReportHuang, BaoshanXiao, RuiPolaczyk, PawelUniversity of Te...
This paper investigates the effect of chemical warm asphalt additive on the wettability of modified ...
Moisture damage or stripping is an asphalt pavement distress that is generally recognized as the los...
The moisture induced damage and stripping are two of common reasons of premature failure of flexible...
This study investigates the moisture damage mechanism and material selection of hot-mix asphalt (HMA...
This paper presents performance changes and material characteristics associated with moisture dam-ag...
Moisture damage of asphalt pavements has been a fundamental topic in the past few years. These pavem...
Stripping is the most common cause of pavement distress in Malaysia. This could be attributed to th...
Moisture damage (Stripping) in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is the loss of adhesive bond between aggregate ...
Moisture damage of asphalt concrete is defined as the loss of strength and stability caused by the a...
Asphalt mix durability is one of the most important aspects if looking on longer lifetime of pavemen...
Asphalt additives, in general, aim to improve the performance of asphalt mixtures by enhancing their...
In order to increase the life of the asphalt mixture and reduce the cost of the pavement life cycle,...
A number of researches have been done worldwide to evaluate the damage caused by water in bituminous...
There are several experimental methods for improving the moisture strength of asphalt mixtures. Util...
US Transportation Collection2022PDFTech ReportHuang, BaoshanXiao, RuiPolaczyk, PawelUniversity of Te...
This paper investigates the effect of chemical warm asphalt additive on the wettability of modified ...
Moisture damage or stripping is an asphalt pavement distress that is generally recognized as the los...
The moisture induced damage and stripping are two of common reasons of premature failure of flexible...
This study investigates the moisture damage mechanism and material selection of hot-mix asphalt (HMA...
This paper presents performance changes and material characteristics associated with moisture dam-ag...
Moisture damage of asphalt pavements has been a fundamental topic in the past few years. These pavem...
Stripping is the most common cause of pavement distress in Malaysia. This could be attributed to th...
Moisture damage (Stripping) in Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) is the loss of adhesive bond between aggregate ...
Moisture damage of asphalt concrete is defined as the loss of strength and stability caused by the a...
Asphalt mix durability is one of the most important aspects if looking on longer lifetime of pavemen...
Asphalt additives, in general, aim to improve the performance of asphalt mixtures by enhancing their...
In order to increase the life of the asphalt mixture and reduce the cost of the pavement life cycle,...
A number of researches have been done worldwide to evaluate the damage caused by water in bituminous...
There are several experimental methods for improving the moisture strength of asphalt mixtures. Util...
US Transportation Collection2022PDFTech ReportHuang, BaoshanXiao, RuiPolaczyk, PawelUniversity of Te...
This paper investigates the effect of chemical warm asphalt additive on the wettability of modified ...
Moisture damage or stripping is an asphalt pavement distress that is generally recognized as the los...