Post harvest handling practices of sweet oranges are very poor in the Sudan and result in great losses. Oranges grown in central Sudan reach the ripe stage while they are still green in colour. The lack of orange colour development is due to the relatively high temperatures in this region. Therefore, the objective of this research was to find out the effects of Ethrel, packaging and waxing on sweet orange degreening, quality and shelf life. Experiments were conducted at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Wad Medani, Sudan, during the seasons of 2013-2014. Ripe, green oranges were treated with Ethrel at two concentrations: 1ml/l, 2ml/l or left untreated as a control. Packaging treatments cons...
لقد أصبحت خنفساء الذرة آفة جديدة وذات خطورة كامنة على محاصيل زهرة الشمس والذرة الرفيعة ...
This study was conducted at the experimental farm of the National Institute for the Pro...
The use of milk replacers to substitute valuable whole milk for feeding goat kids...
This study was conducted with the objective of determining the effects of m...
في هذا البحث تم تحضير جسيمات ثنائي أكسيد التيتانيوم النانوية (TiO2) باستخدام طريقة صّل-جلّ عند وسط ح...
Grapefruit (Citrus Paradisi Macf.) is one of the most important citrus fruits in the Su...
أثار أكسيد الزركونيوم ZrO2 اهتمام الباحثين في جميع أنحاء العالم، لا سيما منذ تطوير طرق لتصنيع جزيئ...
Camel milk and urine have high nutritive values and therapeutic properties....
ABSTRACT: A misconception in a stand-up comedy often occurs. As a result, the audience showed dif...
The colonies of C. glabrata were described, which morphology of isolated on sabouraud dextrose agar ...
ان اسود الكاربون المنتج في عدة معامل في العراق من المتوقع ان يكون عامل مسلح للاسفلت ضمن مواد ا...
An experiment was conducted at Abu Karshoula, South Kordofan State, Sudan, during the seasons ...
ENGLISH: This study examines the use of jocular mockery which occurs in two Marvel comic books; S...
إنتاج ودراسة خصائص الإنزيمات البكتينية للبكتيريا Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami ملخص الدرا...
Safflower is an important oilseed crop worldwide. In Sudan, safflower is only cultivate...
لقد أصبحت خنفساء الذرة آفة جديدة وذات خطورة كامنة على محاصيل زهرة الشمس والذرة الرفيعة ...
This study was conducted at the experimental farm of the National Institute for the Pro...
The use of milk replacers to substitute valuable whole milk for feeding goat kids...
This study was conducted with the objective of determining the effects of m...
في هذا البحث تم تحضير جسيمات ثنائي أكسيد التيتانيوم النانوية (TiO2) باستخدام طريقة صّل-جلّ عند وسط ح...
Grapefruit (Citrus Paradisi Macf.) is one of the most important citrus fruits in the Su...
أثار أكسيد الزركونيوم ZrO2 اهتمام الباحثين في جميع أنحاء العالم، لا سيما منذ تطوير طرق لتصنيع جزيئ...
Camel milk and urine have high nutritive values and therapeutic properties....
ABSTRACT: A misconception in a stand-up comedy often occurs. As a result, the audience showed dif...
The colonies of C. glabrata were described, which morphology of isolated on sabouraud dextrose agar ...
ان اسود الكاربون المنتج في عدة معامل في العراق من المتوقع ان يكون عامل مسلح للاسفلت ضمن مواد ا...
An experiment was conducted at Abu Karshoula, South Kordofan State, Sudan, during the seasons ...
ENGLISH: This study examines the use of jocular mockery which occurs in two Marvel comic books; S...
إنتاج ودراسة خصائص الإنزيمات البكتينية للبكتيريا Xanthomonas campestris pv. sesami ملخص الدرا...
Safflower is an important oilseed crop worldwide. In Sudan, safflower is only cultivate...
لقد أصبحت خنفساء الذرة آفة جديدة وذات خطورة كامنة على محاصيل زهرة الشمس والذرة الرفيعة ...
This study was conducted at the experimental farm of the National Institute for the Pro...
The use of milk replacers to substitute valuable whole milk for feeding goat kids...