Dog Days is a modern, American opera based in a war-torn, post-apocalyptic United States of America. Written by internationally acclaimed composer David T. Little and internationally acclaimed librettist Royce Vavrek, Dog Days is told through the eyes of a 13-year old girl, named Lisa. This project serves as a performer’s guide to Lisa’s three arias. Chapter one provides a biographical sketch of the composer, David T. Little. Chapter two briefly describes the life events of Royce Vavrek, leading to the development of Dog Days. Chapter three provides the detailed process of how the opera was created, specifically the development of Lisa’s character. Chapter four provides music and textual analysis along with performance suggestions for Lisa’...
ABSTRACT The first part of this dissertation is an original opera, Julie, composed on a libretto by ...
Joan Szymko (pronounced SHIM-koh) is an American composer-conductor with a prolific output of choral...
This collection of 9 vocal works, taken from the oœuvre of André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry (1741-1813), ...
In the music and education fields, researchers have explored the ways people experience community in...
How To Go On is a thirty-five minute work for a cappella choir composed by Dale Trumbore from 2015 t...
Before the Spanish, the Dutch, the Japanese, and the Chinese Mainlanders occupied Taiwan, Austronesi...
James Kallembach’s music has been premiered by acclaimed choral groups such as Seraphic Fire and Lor...
American composer Ben Moore (b. 1960) is a well-regarded painter, pianist, and composer whose compos...
Joan Tower is an award-winning American composer, best known for her orchestral and chamber music. H...
The purposes of this qualitative study were to 1) provide a holistic description of procedures used ...
The purposes of this study were: 1) To assess the effects of practice strategies, metronome, meter, ...
Contemporary American composer Jocelyn Hagen grew up in Valley City, North Dakota, where she found a...
This dissertation identifies a technique used by Brahms to organize the compositional designs of his...
This thesis presents a full-score transcription of a recording of a string band performing a Tin Pan...
This overview of Liebermann’s three piano sonatas is intended as a resource for teachers and perform...
ABSTRACT The first part of this dissertation is an original opera, Julie, composed on a libretto by ...
Joan Szymko (pronounced SHIM-koh) is an American composer-conductor with a prolific output of choral...
This collection of 9 vocal works, taken from the oœuvre of André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry (1741-1813), ...
In the music and education fields, researchers have explored the ways people experience community in...
How To Go On is a thirty-five minute work for a cappella choir composed by Dale Trumbore from 2015 t...
Before the Spanish, the Dutch, the Japanese, and the Chinese Mainlanders occupied Taiwan, Austronesi...
James Kallembach’s music has been premiered by acclaimed choral groups such as Seraphic Fire and Lor...
American composer Ben Moore (b. 1960) is a well-regarded painter, pianist, and composer whose compos...
Joan Tower is an award-winning American composer, best known for her orchestral and chamber music. H...
The purposes of this qualitative study were to 1) provide a holistic description of procedures used ...
The purposes of this study were: 1) To assess the effects of practice strategies, metronome, meter, ...
Contemporary American composer Jocelyn Hagen grew up in Valley City, North Dakota, where she found a...
This dissertation identifies a technique used by Brahms to organize the compositional designs of his...
This thesis presents a full-score transcription of a recording of a string band performing a Tin Pan...
This overview of Liebermann’s three piano sonatas is intended as a resource for teachers and perform...
ABSTRACT The first part of this dissertation is an original opera, Julie, composed on a libretto by ...
Joan Szymko (pronounced SHIM-koh) is an American composer-conductor with a prolific output of choral...
This collection of 9 vocal works, taken from the oœuvre of André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry (1741-1813), ...