Report on Consolidation of Indian Tribes. 27 Apr. SR 131, 41-2. v1, 5p. [1409] Consolidation of the Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles, and Cherokees under a territorial government with the name Oklahoma, or the home of the Red Man
Mem. of the Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw ations. 23 May. SMD 143, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against terr...
Mem. of the Choctaw Nation. 18 Mar. SMD 90, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against territorial government for...
Report : Memorial of the Choctaw Nation. [1464] On the claim of the Choctaws to $250,000 in bonds un...
Report on Cha-lah-kee, Muscogee, and Cha-ta Territories. [707] Establishing said territories for Ind...
The Five Civilized Tribes. [2601] Control of Indian commerce under various treaties; leases of land;...
Report : Memorial of the Choctaws and Chickasaws. [2816] Land title issues in Indian Territory; trea...
Report on the Choctaw Nation. [1823] Settlement of the claim arising under the treaty of 27 Sept. 18...
Province of Oklahoma. [1708] Establishment of a territorial form of government over Indian Territory
Disposition of Lands Belonging to the Choctaws. 27 Jan. SD 94, 54-2, v3, 10p. [3469] Agreement made ...
Report on the Territory of Oklahoma. [1550] Recommends territorial government over Indian Territory;...
Report on the Choctaws. [1710] Claim for payments due under the treaty of 27 Sept. 1830; land cessio...
Agreement with the Wichitas and Affiliated Bands. 15 Jan. HR 1585, 53-3, v1, 2p. [3345] Land cession...
Protest of the Cherokee Nation. [1232] Against a bill to consolidate Indian tribes and to establish ...
Organization of Oklahoma Territory. [1867] To provide a territorial form of government for Indian Te...
Agreement with the Choctaws and Chickasaws. [3592] Made 23 Apr. 1897; provides for allotment of land...
Mem. of the Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw ations. 23 May. SMD 143, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against terr...
Mem. of the Choctaw Nation. 18 Mar. SMD 90, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against territorial government for...
Report : Memorial of the Choctaw Nation. [1464] On the claim of the Choctaws to $250,000 in bonds un...
Report on Cha-lah-kee, Muscogee, and Cha-ta Territories. [707] Establishing said territories for Ind...
The Five Civilized Tribes. [2601] Control of Indian commerce under various treaties; leases of land;...
Report : Memorial of the Choctaws and Chickasaws. [2816] Land title issues in Indian Territory; trea...
Report on the Choctaw Nation. [1823] Settlement of the claim arising under the treaty of 27 Sept. 18...
Province of Oklahoma. [1708] Establishment of a territorial form of government over Indian Territory
Disposition of Lands Belonging to the Choctaws. 27 Jan. SD 94, 54-2, v3, 10p. [3469] Agreement made ...
Report on the Territory of Oklahoma. [1550] Recommends territorial government over Indian Territory;...
Report on the Choctaws. [1710] Claim for payments due under the treaty of 27 Sept. 1830; land cessio...
Agreement with the Wichitas and Affiliated Bands. 15 Jan. HR 1585, 53-3, v1, 2p. [3345] Land cession...
Protest of the Cherokee Nation. [1232] Against a bill to consolidate Indian tribes and to establish ...
Organization of Oklahoma Territory. [1867] To provide a territorial form of government for Indian Te...
Agreement with the Choctaws and Chickasaws. [3592] Made 23 Apr. 1897; provides for allotment of land...
Mem. of the Cherokee, Creek, and Choctaw ations. 23 May. SMD 143, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against terr...
Mem. of the Choctaw Nation. 18 Mar. SMD 90, 41-2, v1, 12p. [1408] Against territorial government for...
Report : Memorial of the Choctaw Nation. [1464] On the claim of the Choctaws to $250,000 in bonds un...