Protection of Citizens in Montana. 29 Apr. SED 46, 43-1, v2 , 2p. [1581] In the Bitter Root and Hell-Gate Valleys; claimed by the Flathead Indians; traversed by Nez Perces, Cayuses, Coeur d\u27A1enes, Klikitats, Yakimas, Walla-Wallas, Spokanes, Colvilles, Pend d\u27Oreilles, Kootenays, Kettles, and Modocs on their way to the buffalo grounds; Indian depredations
Removal of the Flatheads and Other Indians. 2 Feb. SMD 45, 43-1, v1, 2p. [1584] From the Bitter Root...
Private Land Claim No. 138. [2448] Land title issues involving the Indians of the pueblo of Santa Cl...
Cree Indians of Montana. [2561] On the relief of said Indians near Fort Assiniboine; removal to the ...
Military Post in Montana. 2 Apr. SED 134, 46-2, v4, 3p. [1885] Protection of settlements of Judith B...
Memorial of the Montana Legis. [1619] Protection for whites in Deer Lodge and Missoula counties; Fla...
Land Claims in New Mexico. [1566] Settlers driven from the land by hostile Indians
Flathead Indian Lands. [2689] Sale of lands in the Bitter Root Valley of Montana; removal of tribe t...
Leasing Lands on the Crow Reservation. 19 Feb. SED 80 (pts. 1 and 2) , 48-2, v2 (pt. 1), 13p. [2263]...
Expedition Against the Piegan Indians. [1426] The failure of Congress to act on treaties has resulte...
Letter on the Flathead Indians in Montana. [1610] Appropriation for the relief of the tribe
Protection of the Northern Frontier of Montana. [1790] Appropriation for a military post; Crows, Ass...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Cleveland. 8 Dec. HED 1, 49-1, v1-16. 13659p. [2368...
Memorial of the Montana Legis. [1619] Protection of the Yellowstone Valley, and the road from Fort E...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Hayes. 1 Dec. HED 1, 46-2, v1-12, 9328p. [1902-1913...
Private Land Claims in New Mexico. 3 Mar. SED 31, 44-1, v1, 20p. [1664] Land occupied by settlers ex...
Removal of the Flatheads and Other Indians. 2 Feb. SMD 45, 43-1, v1, 2p. [1584] From the Bitter Root...
Private Land Claim No. 138. [2448] Land title issues involving the Indians of the pueblo of Santa Cl...
Cree Indians of Montana. [2561] On the relief of said Indians near Fort Assiniboine; removal to the ...
Military Post in Montana. 2 Apr. SED 134, 46-2, v4, 3p. [1885] Protection of settlements of Judith B...
Memorial of the Montana Legis. [1619] Protection for whites in Deer Lodge and Missoula counties; Fla...
Land Claims in New Mexico. [1566] Settlers driven from the land by hostile Indians
Flathead Indian Lands. [2689] Sale of lands in the Bitter Root Valley of Montana; removal of tribe t...
Leasing Lands on the Crow Reservation. 19 Feb. SED 80 (pts. 1 and 2) , 48-2, v2 (pt. 1), 13p. [2263]...
Expedition Against the Piegan Indians. [1426] The failure of Congress to act on treaties has resulte...
Letter on the Flathead Indians in Montana. [1610] Appropriation for the relief of the tribe
Protection of the Northern Frontier of Montana. [1790] Appropriation for a military post; Crows, Ass...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Cleveland. 8 Dec. HED 1, 49-1, v1-16. 13659p. [2368...
Memorial of the Montana Legis. [1619] Protection of the Yellowstone Valley, and the road from Fort E...
Annual Message to Congress with Documents; Pres. Hayes. 1 Dec. HED 1, 46-2, v1-12, 9328p. [1902-1913...
Private Land Claims in New Mexico. 3 Mar. SED 31, 44-1, v1, 20p. [1664] Land occupied by settlers ex...
Removal of the Flatheads and Other Indians. 2 Feb. SMD 45, 43-1, v1, 2p. [1584] From the Bitter Root...
Private Land Claim No. 138. [2448] Land title issues involving the Indians of the pueblo of Santa Cl...
Cree Indians of Montana. [2561] On the relief of said Indians near Fort Assiniboine; removal to the ...