Travel description from Holly Springs to Mobile; description of Mobile; camp life
Travel to Pensacola from Mobile (must have been on furlough); University of Mississippi; Gus Powell ...
No word from home for a while; life aboard ship (the Kate Dale); Fort Morgan; seeing the sea for the...
Home matters back in Holly Springs, Will\u27s grades; getting a letter from Mr. Nelson, assuring her...
Travel description from Holly Springs to Mobile; description of Mobile; camp lifehttps://egrove.olem...
Description of life in Mobile; society; mentions several men from Holly Springs and new arrivals as ...
Looking for letter from home; camp life; movement into winter quarters soon; increased guard duty; r...
Camp life; package received from home; religion
Describes his Christmas in Virginia; wanting to marry quite a bit and hoping to get mother\u27s perm...
Describes buying new clothes and equipment; describes his tent accommodations; describes attending t...
Religious life in camp; Dr. Barnard; flowers in Florida; missing Holly Springshttps://egrove.olemiss...
Camp life; picket duty; drilling for prizes; party at Col. Strong\u27s that eveninghttps://egrove.ol...
Travel to Pensacola from Mobile (must have been on furlough); University of Mississippi; Gus Powell ...
No word from home for a while; life aboard ship (the Kate Dale); Fort Morgan; seeing the sea for the...
Home matters back in Holly Springs, Will\u27s grades; getting a letter from Mr. Nelson, assuring her...
Travel description from Holly Springs to Mobile; description of Mobile; camp lifehttps://egrove.olem...
Description of life in Mobile; society; mentions several men from Holly Springs and new arrivals as ...
Looking for letter from home; camp life; movement into winter quarters soon; increased guard duty; r...
Camp life; package received from home; religion
Describes his Christmas in Virginia; wanting to marry quite a bit and hoping to get mother\u27s perm...
Describes buying new clothes and equipment; describes his tent accommodations; describes attending t...
Religious life in camp; Dr. Barnard; flowers in Florida; missing Holly Springshttps://egrove.olemiss...
Camp life; picket duty; drilling for prizes; party at Col. Strong\u27s that eveninghttps://egrove.ol...
Travel to Pensacola from Mobile (must have been on furlough); University of Mississippi; Gus Powell ...
No word from home for a while; life aboard ship (the Kate Dale); Fort Morgan; seeing the sea for the...
Home matters back in Holly Springs, Will\u27s grades; getting a letter from Mr. Nelson, assuring her...