Jolee Wilese is a young college student struggling to reconcile her life experiences in two different worlds: the world of a college community in the city of Babel, to which she commutes daily, and the world of her home community in a rural area of northern Mississippi. Past and present collide as she explores events and ideologies which have shaped her own identity and the identities of those around her, particularly her father who works in the city, farms at home, struggles with alcoholism and fears the nearness of an apocalyptic era. As the story unfolds, Jolee finds herself torn between two opposing worldviews--the worldview embodied by her home and community, and the worldview she finds herself immersed in as she works and attends s...
Jolee Rogers was born in Marrero, Louisiana. She moved to Franklinton, Louisiana around second grade...
This study focuses on the identity and relationships portrayed in the television series, A Different...
honors thesisCollege of HumanitiesEnglishMichael GillsMy Honors Creative Thesis is a manuscript of a...
This is the story of Ellery, a sixteen-year-old orphan forced into slavery and bound to the manor Iv...
Texts are contextualized¡Xtied to times, tied to places, and tied to the people who live in those ti...
This narrative study began as a retrospective of an in-depth interview study with a young woman who ...
Skyscraper foundations are as embedded in the earth as Appalachian heritage is rooted in my existenc...
As individuals, our choices and the subsequent consequences of those choices can seem isolated to ou...
This thesis is a mixed collection of prose poetry and creative nonfiction focused on the author\u27s...
This dissertation investigates the memoirs, novels, and short stories of three women writers whose w...
While much has been written about the characteristics of first-generation college students, little h...
A thesis presented to the faculty of the Caudill College of Humanities at Morehead State University ...
textThe number of studies related to students from rural backgrounds in higher education has waned i...
With an informed eye to the psychological, sociological, and institutional aspects of immediate even...
This thesis explores the nature of home. It situates the idea of home, both as a physical place and ...
Jolee Rogers was born in Marrero, Louisiana. She moved to Franklinton, Louisiana around second grade...
This study focuses on the identity and relationships portrayed in the television series, A Different...
honors thesisCollege of HumanitiesEnglishMichael GillsMy Honors Creative Thesis is a manuscript of a...
This is the story of Ellery, a sixteen-year-old orphan forced into slavery and bound to the manor Iv...
Texts are contextualized¡Xtied to times, tied to places, and tied to the people who live in those ti...
This narrative study began as a retrospective of an in-depth interview study with a young woman who ...
Skyscraper foundations are as embedded in the earth as Appalachian heritage is rooted in my existenc...
As individuals, our choices and the subsequent consequences of those choices can seem isolated to ou...
This thesis is a mixed collection of prose poetry and creative nonfiction focused on the author\u27s...
This dissertation investigates the memoirs, novels, and short stories of three women writers whose w...
While much has been written about the characteristics of first-generation college students, little h...
A thesis presented to the faculty of the Caudill College of Humanities at Morehead State University ...
textThe number of studies related to students from rural backgrounds in higher education has waned i...
With an informed eye to the psychological, sociological, and institutional aspects of immediate even...
This thesis explores the nature of home. It situates the idea of home, both as a physical place and ...
Jolee Rogers was born in Marrero, Louisiana. She moved to Franklinton, Louisiana around second grade...
This study focuses on the identity and relationships portrayed in the television series, A Different...
honors thesisCollege of HumanitiesEnglishMichael GillsMy Honors Creative Thesis is a manuscript of a...