L’espoir, un facteur bénéfique dans les activités physiques et sportives ? : questionnement autour d’un modèle théorique, évaluation des effets sur la performance et réflexion sur des programmes d’intervention

  • Delas, Yann
Publication date
February 2020


This work aims at understanding hope’s beneficial effects in physical and sports activities. After ensuring the viability and sustainability of Snyder’s hope model (Snyder et al., 1991, 1996) through a validated measurement tool, we tried to identify how hope contributes to success in physical education at school, and hope’s beneficial effects on students’ performance and resilience during a cycle ergometer session. The experimentation results prove Snyder’s hope model reliability from an empirical viewpoint, despite the reservations about its theoretical validity. In a school context, trait hope enables to predict their cycle-end grades, through a mediation of state hope and perceived ability. This data corroborates the existence of a hier...

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