This is a list of words or names that start with every digraph combination of 2 letters, except one. We have managed to put together a list 675 digraphs, with many different sources
Our 26 letters allow 676 possible bigrams, and various searches have been made to find as many of th...
The Palindromicon contains over 2300 palindromic words and names drawn from a wide variety of source...
Place the different letters of a word on a sheet of paper, and, without lifting pencil from paper, t...
Double digrams, such as TUTU, serENENess, or drAMAMine, are not paritcularly common in English words...
In the February 2020 Word Ways the article 0.1479% Redundancy presented a list of words and names be...
What words in the Third Edition of the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary have the most A\u27s th...
For many years word buffs at these laboratories have made a game out of finding words which contain ...
Many common words contain a doubled letter, for example LEER, GRAMMAR and DAZZLE. To find dictionary...
A list of words that contain sets of trigrams and tetragrams but the letters are in reverse alphabet...
The November 1973 issue of Word Ways comments on the relative paucity of new word palindromes in the...
This article contains a list of words with interesting logological properties from Merriam-Webster\u...
Assigning A=1, B=2, etc., the letters forming the first and second halves of a word within an even n...
In the November 1972 Word Ways, we presented an article entitled One-Letter Words which demonstrat...
Each word in the above title has a repeated letter. Remove those repeated letters and new words eme...
A list of words that contain three or more sets of double letters in consecutive order
Our 26 letters allow 676 possible bigrams, and various searches have been made to find as many of th...
The Palindromicon contains over 2300 palindromic words and names drawn from a wide variety of source...
Place the different letters of a word on a sheet of paper, and, without lifting pencil from paper, t...
Double digrams, such as TUTU, serENENess, or drAMAMine, are not paritcularly common in English words...
In the February 2020 Word Ways the article 0.1479% Redundancy presented a list of words and names be...
What words in the Third Edition of the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary have the most A\u27s th...
For many years word buffs at these laboratories have made a game out of finding words which contain ...
Many common words contain a doubled letter, for example LEER, GRAMMAR and DAZZLE. To find dictionary...
A list of words that contain sets of trigrams and tetragrams but the letters are in reverse alphabet...
The November 1973 issue of Word Ways comments on the relative paucity of new word palindromes in the...
This article contains a list of words with interesting logological properties from Merriam-Webster\u...
Assigning A=1, B=2, etc., the letters forming the first and second halves of a word within an even n...
In the November 1972 Word Ways, we presented an article entitled One-Letter Words which demonstrat...
Each word in the above title has a repeated letter. Remove those repeated letters and new words eme...
A list of words that contain three or more sets of double letters in consecutive order
Our 26 letters allow 676 possible bigrams, and various searches have been made to find as many of th...
The Palindromicon contains over 2300 palindromic words and names drawn from a wide variety of source...
Place the different letters of a word on a sheet of paper, and, without lifting pencil from paper, t...