Standing left to right: Dr. Malcolm G. Taylor, unidentified, Dr. Neil Perry, J.V.G. Hall, Fr. Aquinas Thomas, Mrs. P.A. Jacobson, Dr. Ian McTaggart-Cowan. Taken by the Castlegar News. Guest panelists and Selkirk College Council at the seminar on the regional college held at Nelson, B.C. Members at that time of the Selkirk College Council were: J.E. Fletcher, J.V.G. Hall, Mrs. P.A. Jacobson, C.S. McKenzie, R. Palmer, D.A. Perley, Mrs. J.D. Wallach, R.J.H. Welton, G. Weatherhead, and J.A. Gray. J.A. Gray is/was Chariman, Selkirk College Council. The guest panelists were: Dr. J.F.K. English, Sr. Ian McTaggart-Cowan, Dr. Neil Perry, Dr. Malcolm G. Taylor and Fr. Aquinas Thomas. Fr. Aquinas Thomas is/was President, Notre Dame University, Nelson...