Avvägningar mellan den biologiska moderns och barnets intressen: En kvalitativ studie av svenska familjerättsekreterares erfarenheter av transnationellt surrogatmoderskap Det finns få studier om hur socialarbetare handlägger ärenden som berör transnationellt surrogatmoderskap. Vår studie har för avsikt att bidra till att fylla detta tomrum. I Sverige är det inte tillåtet för sjukvården att utföra assisterad befruktning vid surrogatmoderskap. Detta har gjort att människor vänt sig utomlands för denna reproduktionsmetod, främst till Indien. Det finns inga lagar som reglerar surrogatmoderskap i Sverige, vilket har lett till svårigheter vid fastställande av rättsligt föräldraskap när föräldrarna återvänt med barnet. Denna kvalitativa intervjust...
This study sought to explore how Swedish parents who had commissioned surrogacy abroad experienced t...
Surrogacy arrangements have become an increasingly popular way for childless people to build a famil...
The aim of this study was to examine how media in Sweden presents the surrogacy process with the pur...
Det finns få studier om hur socialarbetare handlägger ärenden som berör transnationellt surrogatmode...
There are few studies on how social workers deal with cases regarding transnational surrogacy. Our s...
The aim of this thesis is to examine how discourses on parenthood are articulated and negotiated by ...
Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries, delivers, and then relinquishes a baby to comm...
Transnational surrogacy challenges traditional norms of parenthood, especially motherhood; additiona...
Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a surrogate mot...
Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a surrogate mot...
Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a surrogate mot...
Fastställande av moderskap är i svensk rätt oreglerat med hänvisning till den latinska mater-est-reg...
Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a sur-rogate mo...
Surrogatarrangemang väcker många känslor hos individer och det är en pågående debatt huruvida det sk...
This study sought to explore how Swedish parents who had commissioned surrogacy abroad experienced t...
This study sought to explore how Swedish parents who had commissioned surrogacy abroad experienced t...
Surrogacy arrangements have become an increasingly popular way for childless people to build a famil...
The aim of this study was to examine how media in Sweden presents the surrogacy process with the pur...
Det finns få studier om hur socialarbetare handlägger ärenden som berör transnationellt surrogatmode...
There are few studies on how social workers deal with cases regarding transnational surrogacy. Our s...
The aim of this thesis is to examine how discourses on parenthood are articulated and negotiated by ...
Surrogacy is an arrangement in which a woman carries, delivers, and then relinquishes a baby to comm...
Transnational surrogacy challenges traditional norms of parenthood, especially motherhood; additiona...
Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a surrogate mot...
Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a surrogate mot...
Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a surrogate mot...
Fastställande av moderskap är i svensk rätt oreglerat med hänvisning till den latinska mater-est-reg...
Transnational surrogacy, when people travel abroad for reproduction with the help of a sur-rogate mo...
Surrogatarrangemang väcker många känslor hos individer och det är en pågående debatt huruvida det sk...
This study sought to explore how Swedish parents who had commissioned surrogacy abroad experienced t...
This study sought to explore how Swedish parents who had commissioned surrogacy abroad experienced t...
Surrogacy arrangements have become an increasingly popular way for childless people to build a famil...
The aim of this study was to examine how media in Sweden presents the surrogacy process with the pur...