Life Competence Education (Sw. livskunskap) is a new school subject thathas developed in Swedish schools over the last decade. Life Competence Educationis non-mandatory and lack national guidelines, due to which there are no unanimousdefinitions. Consequently, Life Competence Education can be just about anything:Some schools apply cognitive programs to train pupils’ social and emotionalcompetences, whilst others use this new subject as a way of contextualizing sex andrelationship education (a. a.). Despute the divergent interpretations of what LifeCompetence Education should consist of there are some common features in localcurricula, such as prevention (and solving) of bullying and segregation, genderequity, relationships, ethics and value...
The schools have problems with conflicts and mobbing. One way to deal with this is to focus on the i...
School subjects and moral education: A comparative study of civics and life-skills This article is c...
I den här studien studeras skolans fostrande roll av eleven i allmänhet och inom livskunskap i synne...
Life Competence Education (Sw. livskunskap) is a new school subject thathas developed in Swedish sch...
During the last decade a school subject with the designation of Life Competence Education ("Livskuns...
Research topic/aim: The aim of this paper is to analyse what values are upheld in the new school su...
Life Competence Education (Sw. Livskunskap) has developed as a new school subject in Swedish compuls...
Livskunskap har under det senaste årtiondet vuxit fram i svenska skolor som en lösning på en rad sam...
Some schools and municipalities have introduced a subject on the school schedule called life knowled...
Through qualitative interviews with five teachers from three schools, two public schools within the ...
Begreppet livskunskap är ett välkänt begrepp inom skolans värld men vad betyder igentligen livskunsk...
Skolämnet livskunskap har vuxit fram i svenska skolor under det senaste decenniet, ofta utifrån en a...
BakgrundI bakgrundskapitlet tar vi upp olika författares uppfattning kring huruvida man skall tilläm...
Denna uppsats har som syfte att synliggöra hur värdegrundsarbetet påverkas av schemalagd livskunskap...
The purpose of this Bachelors thesis is to investigate teachers' work and attitude to life in relati...
The schools have problems with conflicts and mobbing. One way to deal with this is to focus on the i...
School subjects and moral education: A comparative study of civics and life-skills This article is c...
I den här studien studeras skolans fostrande roll av eleven i allmänhet och inom livskunskap i synne...
Life Competence Education (Sw. livskunskap) is a new school subject thathas developed in Swedish sch...
During the last decade a school subject with the designation of Life Competence Education ("Livskuns...
Research topic/aim: The aim of this paper is to analyse what values are upheld in the new school su...
Life Competence Education (Sw. Livskunskap) has developed as a new school subject in Swedish compuls...
Livskunskap har under det senaste årtiondet vuxit fram i svenska skolor som en lösning på en rad sam...
Some schools and municipalities have introduced a subject on the school schedule called life knowled...
Through qualitative interviews with five teachers from three schools, two public schools within the ...
Begreppet livskunskap är ett välkänt begrepp inom skolans värld men vad betyder igentligen livskunsk...
Skolämnet livskunskap har vuxit fram i svenska skolor under det senaste decenniet, ofta utifrån en a...
BakgrundI bakgrundskapitlet tar vi upp olika författares uppfattning kring huruvida man skall tilläm...
Denna uppsats har som syfte att synliggöra hur värdegrundsarbetet påverkas av schemalagd livskunskap...
The purpose of this Bachelors thesis is to investigate teachers' work and attitude to life in relati...
The schools have problems with conflicts and mobbing. One way to deal with this is to focus on the i...
School subjects and moral education: A comparative study of civics and life-skills This article is c...
I den här studien studeras skolans fostrande roll av eleven i allmänhet och inom livskunskap i synne...