Sebagai sumber utama ajaran Islam, Alqur’an dituntut untuk selalu menampilkan relevansinya tanpa mengenal batasan ruang dan waktu. Tuntutan relevansi tersebut memberikan ruang bagi berkembangnya metode dan pendekatan dalam rangka memahami pokok kandungan Alqur’an. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengkaji seluk beluk pendekatan semantik sebagai salah satu pendekatan yang relatif baru dalam diskursus kajian Alqur’an. Dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisis isi, penelitian ini berusaha mengungkapkan hakikat pendekatan semantik melalui penelaahan literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan semantik merupakan suatu pendekatan dalam pengkajian Alqur’an yang memfokuskan pada analisis makna yang berkaitan dengan makna dasar dan m...
Islam as a religion has actually become the target of study not only by Muslims but also by non-Musl...
Education have an important role in life to build personality and intelligence students to be the be...
This paper aims to describe linguistic interpretation (tafsir lughawi) as a tool in understanding th...
Kajian ini membahas tentang kedudukan perempuan dalam rumah tangga melalui teori tafsir dengan pende...
Kajian ini membahas tentang penalaran Arkoun dalam interpretasi terhadap al-Quran. Tulisan ini menyi...
The aim of this research is to design a Arabic theaching syllabus for students at PMIAI ICASParamadi...
Abstrak Living-hadis merupakan suatu bentuk pemahaman hadis yang berada dalam level praksis lapanga...
In fact, Islam have many concepts about leadership. Minimally, there are three concepts of leadershi...
The aim of this paper is to examine the use of the word isim and fi’il in the Qur'an. This research ...
The initial idea of this research was that moral education in Indonesia better known as char...
This research studied the relation among green, culture, and language in Al-Qur'an because colour do...
Orientation to establishment of Islamic law with a variant of the method is to achieve human welfare...
Islamism is a set of ideologies that believe that religion and the state are one (addinu waddaulah) ...
This article will explain the development of the style of interpretation of the Koran from the class...
Islamic literature has been recognized by the readers of literature in the world, both in the Arab c...
Islam as a religion has actually become the target of study not only by Muslims but also by non-Musl...
Education have an important role in life to build personality and intelligence students to be the be...
This paper aims to describe linguistic interpretation (tafsir lughawi) as a tool in understanding th...
Kajian ini membahas tentang kedudukan perempuan dalam rumah tangga melalui teori tafsir dengan pende...
Kajian ini membahas tentang penalaran Arkoun dalam interpretasi terhadap al-Quran. Tulisan ini menyi...
The aim of this research is to design a Arabic theaching syllabus for students at PMIAI ICASParamadi...
Abstrak Living-hadis merupakan suatu bentuk pemahaman hadis yang berada dalam level praksis lapanga...
In fact, Islam have many concepts about leadership. Minimally, there are three concepts of leadershi...
The aim of this paper is to examine the use of the word isim and fi’il in the Qur'an. This research ...
The initial idea of this research was that moral education in Indonesia better known as char...
This research studied the relation among green, culture, and language in Al-Qur'an because colour do...
Orientation to establishment of Islamic law with a variant of the method is to achieve human welfare...
Islamism is a set of ideologies that believe that religion and the state are one (addinu waddaulah) ...
This article will explain the development of the style of interpretation of the Koran from the class...
Islamic literature has been recognized by the readers of literature in the world, both in the Arab c...
Islam as a religion has actually become the target of study not only by Muslims but also by non-Musl...
Education have an important role in life to build personality and intelligence students to be the be...
This paper aims to describe linguistic interpretation (tafsir lughawi) as a tool in understanding th...