In Finno-Ugric linguistics, words are usually analyzed in terms of stems and affixes instead of abstract monosyllabic ‘roots’ in the Indo-European sense. However, there have been attempts to introduce the concept of ‘root’ alongside the historically disyllabic stems, in order to account for less regular connections between words and the non-canonic word formation mechanisms of the expressive vocabulary. Here, a few such attempts are critically analyzed in their historical and ideological contexts.Kokkuvõte. Johanna Laakso: Tagasi juurte juurde? Arutlus “juure” mõiste üle soome-ugri keeleteaduses. Soome-ugri keeleteaduses on tavaks vaadelda sõnu tüvede ja liidetena, mitte abstraktsete ühesilbiliste juurtena indoeuroopa keeleteaduse mõistes. ...