High accuracy UAV photogrammetry of ice sheet dynamics with no ground control

  • Chudley, TR
  • Christoffersen, P
  • Doyle, SH
  • Abellan, A
  • Snooke, N
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Publication date
December 2018
Copernicus GmbH


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Structure from Motion with Multi-View Stereo (SfM-MVS) photogrammetry are increasingly common tools for geoscience applications, but final product accuracy can be significantly diminished in the absence of a dense and well-distributed network of ground control points (GCPs). This is problematic in inaccessible or hazardous field environments, including highly crevassed glaciers, where implementing suitable GCP networks would be logistically difficult if not impossible. To overcome this challenge, we present an alternative geolocation approach known as GNSS-supported aerial triangulation (GNSS-AT). Here, an on-board carrier-phase GNSS receiver is used to determine the location of photo acquisitions using k...

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