Sarhoşluk verici özelliğinden dolayı içki, öncelikle keyif verici bîr madde olarak kullanılmıştır. Bununla beraber birçok dinde ayinler yapılırken başvurulan vasıtalardan biri de içki olmuştur. Yahudiliğin kutsal kitabı olan Eski Âhid'in bütün kitaplarında sarhoşluk olumsuz karşılanmaktadır. Diğer taraftan içki tamamıyla kötü görülüp yasaklanmamış olup, bazı ayinlerde kullanılmaktadır. Hıristiyanlıkta marjinal bir grup olan Hormonlar ve Kuveykırlar dışında, içki içme alışkanlığı oldukça yaygındır. Bu dinde içki içilmemesi konusunda kesin bir yasaklama olmasa da, kural olarak sarhoş olacak kadar içmemek gerektiği kabul edilir. İslâm'da içki haram kılınırken, diğer birçok hükümde olduğu gibi tedricî ve ikna edici bir yol takip edilmiş olup; b...
The history of alcoholic beverages in various cultures, including our own, has often been written. T...
Wino jest napojem, który towarzyszy człowiekowi od najdawniejszych lat. Nic wiec dziwnego, ze jest ...
During most of its history the Seventh-day Adventist Church has vigorously advocated for its adheren...
Alcohol derived from honey, wheat, barley or corn is haram when used as an intoxicant, in an amount ...
İslam'ın ana gayelerinden birisi aklın korunmasıdır. Bundan dolayı İslâm hukuku, akla zarar verebile...
KUMAS, ALI/0000-0001-6504-5363WOS: 000392718800002Mind protection one of main principles of Islamic ...
Backgrounds - The bible is one of the most important books of history. Its content extends inter ali...
An analysis of the concepts of intoxication in blood and the required amount of alcohol to reach tha...
The purpose of this research is to discuss the hadith of the Muhammad Saw. about the prohibition of ...
Alcohol is an organic solvent that generally used in research and industry especially in food, pharm...
Alcohol is an organic solvent that is widely used in the manufacturing industry, especially in food ...
Different types of alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer were used in ancient times for various ...
Alkohol adalah satu istilah yang sinonim dengan arak, sejenis minuman yang dilarang dalam Islam. Jus...
Alcohol consuming habit is observed in almost all countries of the world despite of the legal and re...
The history of alcoholic beverages in various cultures, including our own, has often been written. T...
Wino jest napojem, który towarzyszy człowiekowi od najdawniejszych lat. Nic wiec dziwnego, ze jest ...
During most of its history the Seventh-day Adventist Church has vigorously advocated for its adheren...
Alcohol derived from honey, wheat, barley or corn is haram when used as an intoxicant, in an amount ...
İslam'ın ana gayelerinden birisi aklın korunmasıdır. Bundan dolayı İslâm hukuku, akla zarar verebile...
KUMAS, ALI/0000-0001-6504-5363WOS: 000392718800002Mind protection one of main principles of Islamic ...
Backgrounds - The bible is one of the most important books of history. Its content extends inter ali...
An analysis of the concepts of intoxication in blood and the required amount of alcohol to reach tha...
The purpose of this research is to discuss the hadith of the Muhammad Saw. about the prohibition of ...
Alcohol is an organic solvent that generally used in research and industry especially in food, pharm...
Alcohol is an organic solvent that is widely used in the manufacturing industry, especially in food ...
Different types of alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer were used in ancient times for various ...
Alkohol adalah satu istilah yang sinonim dengan arak, sejenis minuman yang dilarang dalam Islam. Jus...
Alcohol consuming habit is observed in almost all countries of the world despite of the legal and re...
The history of alcoholic beverages in various cultures, including our own, has often been written. T...
Wino jest napojem, który towarzyszy człowiekowi od najdawniejszych lat. Nic wiec dziwnego, ze jest ...
During most of its history the Seventh-day Adventist Church has vigorously advocated for its adheren...