Old Anatolian Turkish, that is, 13th and 15th centuries of Western Turkish; It is a period in which many translations and copyright works are important for the Turkish language. “Yusuf u Züleyhâ” mesnevi written by Şeyyad Hamza is one of the important works written in this period because it was the first love mesnevi written in Anatolia. The work reflects the language features of the period in which it was written and gives information about the vocabulary. Considering how rich the vocabulary of the Turkish language is, the “Göŋli düşer” in the vocabulary of this mesnevi written centuries ago. idioms, " Gėce gündüz " etc. reitratives, “Ṣabr ėden ḫayra ėrer öŋdin ṣoŋa” etc. proverbs, " Taŋrı’nuŋ taḳdìri ", etc. Pattern words were found. In t...