Muscle cramps — a mini review of possible causes and treatment options available with a special emphasis on diabetics — a narrative review

  • Roy, Sayak
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Publication date
January 2020
VM Media SP. zo.o VM Group SK


Muscle cramps are characterized by sudden, painful involuntary contraction of the muscles. The cramps sometimes become disabling and the prevalence is more in the elderly. The etiology of the cramps are diverse and some time the cramps are idiopathic. There are many underlying pathophysiological disorders like hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypothyroidism, and hepatorenal dysfunction which causes muscle cramp. Similarly, diabetes mellitus results in muscle cramps due to electrolytic imbalance, hypoglycemia, peripheral arterial insufficiency, and neuropathies. Persistent muscle pain in diabetic patients degrades the quality of life of those patients. Although the pathophysiology and etiology of the muscle cramp are understood to some extent, ...

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