Systemy ciągłego monitorowania glukozy (CGM) zrewolucjonizowały leczenie i monitorowanie cukrzycy. Urządzenia te są zalecane dla pacjentów z cukrzycą leczonych insuliną, szczególnie w przypadku nawracających epizodów hipoglikemii lub znacznych dobowych wahań glikemii. CGM pozwala na bardziej skuteczne dostosowanie dawek insuliny do trendów zmian glikemii, co skutkuje lepszą kontrolą metaboliczną: więcej czasu w docelowym zakresie glukozy, mniej czasu w zakresie hipoglikemii, niższa zmienność glukozy i lepsza jakość życia pacjentów i członków ich rodzin. CGM w czasie rzeczywistym zapewnia pacjentom nie tylko ciągłe informacje na temat poziomu glukozy, ale także ostrzega o zdarzeniach hipo- lub hiperglikemicznych. Tradycyjne przezskórne CGM m...
Worldwide, the number of people affected by diabetes is rapidly increasing due to aging populations ...
I chose continuous glucose monitoring for my diploma thesis, based on the importance to improve diab...
peer reviewedContinuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices can measure blood glucose levels through in...
The diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide. Advances in modern technology have been an important ...
Q2Artículo de revisión215-224Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is a tool that allows constant eval...
Streszczenie:WstępCukrzyca zaliczana jest do chorób metabolicznych charakteryzujących się hiperglike...
The first systems for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) became available over 15 years ago. Many t...
The first systems for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) became available over 15 years ago. Many t...
Introduction: Glycemic control and maintaining it within the desired range are essential for achievi...
Šećerna bolest (ŠB) je metabolički poremećaj karakteriziran povišenom razinom glukoze u krvi (GUK), ...
Diabetes je civilizační choroba. Projevuje se zvýšenou hladinou glukózy v krvi. V dlouhodobém měřítk...
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is being used increasingly both in patients on insulin pumps (CS...
It is known that continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems can lower mean glucose compared with ep...
Background: While multiple daily insulin injections remains the state-of-the-art treatment for type ...
By providing blood glucose (BG) concentration measurements in an almost continuous-time fashion for ...
Worldwide, the number of people affected by diabetes is rapidly increasing due to aging populations ...
I chose continuous glucose monitoring for my diploma thesis, based on the importance to improve diab...
peer reviewedContinuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices can measure blood glucose levels through in...
The diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide. Advances in modern technology have been an important ...
Q2Artículo de revisión215-224Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is a tool that allows constant eval...
Streszczenie:WstępCukrzyca zaliczana jest do chorób metabolicznych charakteryzujących się hiperglike...
The first systems for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) became available over 15 years ago. Many t...
The first systems for continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) became available over 15 years ago. Many t...
Introduction: Glycemic control and maintaining it within the desired range are essential for achievi...
Šećerna bolest (ŠB) je metabolički poremećaj karakteriziran povišenom razinom glukoze u krvi (GUK), ...
Diabetes je civilizační choroba. Projevuje se zvýšenou hladinou glukózy v krvi. V dlouhodobém měřítk...
Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is being used increasingly both in patients on insulin pumps (CS...
It is known that continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems can lower mean glucose compared with ep...
Background: While multiple daily insulin injections remains the state-of-the-art treatment for type ...
By providing blood glucose (BG) concentration measurements in an almost continuous-time fashion for ...
Worldwide, the number of people affected by diabetes is rapidly increasing due to aging populations ...
I chose continuous glucose monitoring for my diploma thesis, based on the importance to improve diab...
peer reviewedContinuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices can measure blood glucose levels through in...