An image of the Marriage Certificate issued to \u27Paul Tesinsky of Eddyville, Iowa\u27 and \u27Mary Mikler of Slavia, Florida\u27 to certify that they were \u27united in marriage according to the ordinance of God and the Laws of the State of Florida at Slavia, Fla. on the 21st day of August in the year of our Lord 1935.\u27 The certificate was issued and signed by Stephen M. Tuhy, Pastor and witnessed by: George A, Tesinsky, Jospeh B. Mikler, Michael Mikler, Jr., Elizabeth Mikler, Anna Jakubcin and Mathilda Mikler. The commemorative booklet containing the certificate had been published by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis and printed in Germany. No date. Center pages of \u27Marriage Certificate\u27 published by Concordia Publishing Hou...