Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s Sigma Sigma Chi sorority on the Weatherford campus is being led during the 2006-07 by the following officers (front from left): Chauncey Hughes, Carney, recreations chair; Vickie Chadwick, Altus, rush chair; and Madison Merrill, Elk City, president. Middle row from left—Seasha Green, Watonga, sisterhood chair; Deanna Hughes, Mustang, recording secretary; Nicole Skinner, Weatherford, chaplain; Hillary Wells, Yukon, VP philanthropy, Jaci Nuttle, McPhearson KS, social chair; and Jessica Coots, Moore, t-shirt chair. Back row from left—Diana Flood, Altus, scholarship chair; Jana Mace, Carnegie, publicity chair; Cashlie Hines, Newcastle, sergeant at arms; Megan Wells, Yukon, treasurer; and Kristine Johnson...