Taking as its starting point the non-identity of the transcendental I of pure apperception and of the noumenal Self, i.e. the fact that self-consciousness is possible only against the background of the inaccessibility-to-itself of the »thing which thinks«, the text endeavours to articulate the »diabolical Evil« (Evil as an ethical attitude, chosen for non-pathological reasons, out of principle) as the »unthought« of Kant, and to delineate its space as that of the object of the »indefinite judgement«.Tekst jemlje za izhodišče ne-identiteto transcendentalnega jaza čiste apercepcije in noumenalnega sebstva, tj. dejstvo, da je samozavedanje možno le na ozadju samonedostopnosoti »misleče stvari« in poskuša artikulirati »diabolično Zlo« (zlo kot ...