This article addresses some aspects of modality in Slovenian and Russian. The frst part analyses the basic lexical means through which Slovenian and Russian express two modal meanings: necessity and possibility (or ability). The second part describes the syntactic and semantic characteristics of the Slovenian predicative construction treba je, which stands out among other Slovenian means of expressing necessity. Its features are compared to those of the corresponding Russian construction.Prispevek obravnava nekatere značilnosti izražanja naklonskosti v slovenskem in ruskem jeziku. V prvem delu analiziramo osnovna leksikalna sredstva, s katerimi se v slovenščini in ruščini izražata dva naklonska pomena - nujnost in (z)možnost. Drugi del posv...
This article uses examples from the Littoral dialect group that have the phoneme/ grapheme v in plac...
0 Po l. 1925, ko je izšel Tesnièrov Atlas linguistique pour servir à l’étude du duel en slovène s pr...
Rječnik suvremenih ruskih prezimena I. M. Ganžina, Slovar’ sovremennyh russkih familij, AST Astel\u2...
Prispevek obravnava značilnosti rabe slovenskega naj in ruskega pust’ (пусть). V prvem delu je preds...
This article discusses the declension of the pronouns moj ‘my’, tvoj ‘your (sg.)’, and svoj ‘one’s o...
The article is based on an observation of Vinogradov and others Russian linguists pertaining to Slav...
Članak je posvećen pitanju srodnosti između hrvatskog, ruskog i njemačkog jezika na podrucju frazeol...
This article offers a comprehensive analysis of conjunctive elements (i.e., particles, conjunctions,...
The article compares word-formation and morphological patterns of the Pannonian dialect group with ...
This article uses linguistic geography to present vocabulary denoting blood relationships in Sloveni...
This article highlights problematic areas in learning Russian vocabulary. It is based on a survey co...
Izbirni tečaj bo posvečen (južno)slovanskim medjezikovnim razlikam in podobnostim v izrazju, ki je p...
Prispevek je rayvojni pregled slovenskega jezika od začetkov do danes. Kronološko predstavlja obdobi...
V članku se - predvsem na zgledu priimkov - obravnavata dva sklopa problemov: a) slovenjenje ruske z...
By examining a number of linguistic phenomena, this article shows how some grammatical occurrences i...
This article uses examples from the Littoral dialect group that have the phoneme/ grapheme v in plac...
0 Po l. 1925, ko je izšel Tesnièrov Atlas linguistique pour servir à l’étude du duel en slovène s pr...
Rječnik suvremenih ruskih prezimena I. M. Ganžina, Slovar’ sovremennyh russkih familij, AST Astel\u2...
Prispevek obravnava značilnosti rabe slovenskega naj in ruskega pust’ (пусть). V prvem delu je preds...
This article discusses the declension of the pronouns moj ‘my’, tvoj ‘your (sg.)’, and svoj ‘one’s o...
The article is based on an observation of Vinogradov and others Russian linguists pertaining to Slav...
Članak je posvećen pitanju srodnosti između hrvatskog, ruskog i njemačkog jezika na podrucju frazeol...
This article offers a comprehensive analysis of conjunctive elements (i.e., particles, conjunctions,...
The article compares word-formation and morphological patterns of the Pannonian dialect group with ...
This article uses linguistic geography to present vocabulary denoting blood relationships in Sloveni...
This article highlights problematic areas in learning Russian vocabulary. It is based on a survey co...
Izbirni tečaj bo posvečen (južno)slovanskim medjezikovnim razlikam in podobnostim v izrazju, ki je p...
Prispevek je rayvojni pregled slovenskega jezika od začetkov do danes. Kronološko predstavlja obdobi...
V članku se - predvsem na zgledu priimkov - obravnavata dva sklopa problemov: a) slovenjenje ruske z...
By examining a number of linguistic phenomena, this article shows how some grammatical occurrences i...
This article uses examples from the Littoral dialect group that have the phoneme/ grapheme v in plac...
0 Po l. 1925, ko je izšel Tesnièrov Atlas linguistique pour servir à l’étude du duel en slovène s pr...
Rječnik suvremenih ruskih prezimena I. M. Ganžina, Slovar’ sovremennyh russkih familij, AST Astel\u2...