This article deals with the items in Maks Pleteršnik's Slovenian-German dictionary marked as German loanwords. The article presents the findings of later 20th-century research on the etymology of these words. The most important finding of this study is that with regard to origin Pleteršnik erred with only 16% of the words that are marked as German loanwords but are actually words of Slovenian origin or were borrowed from other languages.Članek govori o besedah v Slovensko-nemškem slovarju Maksa Pleteršnika, ki jih je Pleteršnik označil kot nemške izposojenke. V članku skušam prikazati, kaj je bilo v kasnejših raziskavah v 20. stoletju ugotovljeno o etimologijah teh besed. Najpomembnejša ugotovitev pričujoče raziskave je, da seje Pleteršnik ...
The article discusses the lexicographic principles used in the German-Slovene and Slovene-German ter...
The paper discusses Slovene-English language contact in general and English loanwords in Slovene in ...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Pregovori v Pleteršnikovem slovarju obravnava pregovore v Pleteršnikovem S...
This article presents the updated edition of Maks Pletersnik's Slovenian-German dictionary (in two v...
The article presents four larger synonym-strings (pomlad, netopir, kljub, zapenec/zaponec^) in Plete...
The Slovenian-German Dictionary of Maks Pleteršnik was first published in 1894-1895. It contains 103...
V članku so zbrane nekatere bolj pogoste besede, ki jih je slovenščina prevzela iz drugih slovanskih...
Slovensko-nemški slovar. The Slovenian-German Dictionary of Maks Pleteršnik was first published in ...
This article presents Slavic loanwords in the Austrian variant of the German language. Its aim is tw...
The paper deals with Škrabecs attitude towards the Slovene-German dictionary by M. Pleteršnik. Škrab...
Pletersnik's Slovene-German Dictionary is discussed as a source for the contemporary Dictionary of t...
V prispevku je predstavljena problematika določanja glasovne podobe besedja slovenskega knjižnega je...
Prispevek na osnovi primerjalne analize prikazuje besedje, zapisano v Potrčevem romanu Na kmetih iz ...
Fôkselj, fôksner, fôksler andfôksne are Bavarian German loanwords in Slovenian. The original forms o...
German elements in the Czech vocabulary of Slavonic contextThe aim of this article is to point out t...
The article discusses the lexicographic principles used in the German-Slovene and Slovene-German ter...
The paper discusses Slovene-English language contact in general and English loanwords in Slovene in ...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Pregovori v Pleteršnikovem slovarju obravnava pregovore v Pleteršnikovem S...
This article presents the updated edition of Maks Pletersnik's Slovenian-German dictionary (in two v...
The article presents four larger synonym-strings (pomlad, netopir, kljub, zapenec/zaponec^) in Plete...
The Slovenian-German Dictionary of Maks Pleteršnik was first published in 1894-1895. It contains 103...
V članku so zbrane nekatere bolj pogoste besede, ki jih je slovenščina prevzela iz drugih slovanskih...
Slovensko-nemški slovar. The Slovenian-German Dictionary of Maks Pleteršnik was first published in ...
This article presents Slavic loanwords in the Austrian variant of the German language. Its aim is tw...
The paper deals with Škrabecs attitude towards the Slovene-German dictionary by M. Pleteršnik. Škrab...
Pletersnik's Slovene-German Dictionary is discussed as a source for the contemporary Dictionary of t...
V prispevku je predstavljena problematika določanja glasovne podobe besedja slovenskega knjižnega je...
Prispevek na osnovi primerjalne analize prikazuje besedje, zapisano v Potrčevem romanu Na kmetih iz ...
Fôkselj, fôksner, fôksler andfôksne are Bavarian German loanwords in Slovenian. The original forms o...
German elements in the Czech vocabulary of Slavonic contextThe aim of this article is to point out t...
The article discusses the lexicographic principles used in the German-Slovene and Slovene-German ter...
The paper discusses Slovene-English language contact in general and English loanwords in Slovene in ...
Diplomsko delo z naslovom Pregovori v Pleteršnikovem slovarju obravnava pregovore v Pleteršnikovem S...