The article focuses on some of Dragotin Cvetko's views on Slovenian music and Slovenian musicology, as well as his contribution to the foundation of Department of Musicology at the University in Ljubljana, and Institute of Musicology at the Academy of Science and Arts. The article emphasizes also his contribution to the international recognition of Slovenian musicology.Prispevek prinaša nekaj pogledov Dragotina Cvetka na razvoj slovenske glasbe in slovenske muzikologije. Poudarja Cvetkove zasluge za ustanovitev Oddelka za muzikologijo na Univerzi v Ljubljani in Muzikološkega institute na Slovenski akademiji znanosti in umetnosti, kakor tudi njegova prizadevanja za mednarodno uveljavitev slovenske muzikološke znanosti
This paper provides an overview of the literature on Slovenian musical composition and performance. ...
V svoji diplomski seminarski nalogi sem govorila o slovenski narodno-zabavni glasbi, kot po drugi sv...
This article writes about the project „Das Volkslied in Österreich“ (Folk Song in Austria) that was ...
The paper presents Dragotin Cvetko’s work with a special emphasis on his setting up institutional fo...
Academician Dr Dragotin Cvetko was the initiator of Slovenian musicology in two respects. Scientific...
Dragotin Cvetko developed musicology in Slovenia writing articles, books, producing editions and att...
The present book is volume of conference proceedings of the scientific meeting dedicated to the foun...
The main goal of this article is to show that functional music is not confined within national or hi...
The article deals with the until-recently unknown descendants of the Carniolan polymath Janez Vajkar...
Članek prinaša kronološko, z viri podkrepljeno analizo konkretnih spodbud za nastanek Oddelka za muz...
The article, consisting of a schema and an introductory explanation, summarises a part of the findin...
Five distinct genres of music existed in Slovenian ethnic territory during medieval times: vernacula...
The article discusses turqueries with musical symbols from the 17th and 18th century, preserved in S...
The article observes distortions of the historiographical narrative about the musical culture of Slo...
The main goals of this article, devoted to the contribution of the prominent Serbian musicologist...
This paper provides an overview of the literature on Slovenian musical composition and performance. ...
V svoji diplomski seminarski nalogi sem govorila o slovenski narodno-zabavni glasbi, kot po drugi sv...
This article writes about the project „Das Volkslied in Österreich“ (Folk Song in Austria) that was ...
The paper presents Dragotin Cvetko’s work with a special emphasis on his setting up institutional fo...
Academician Dr Dragotin Cvetko was the initiator of Slovenian musicology in two respects. Scientific...
Dragotin Cvetko developed musicology in Slovenia writing articles, books, producing editions and att...
The present book is volume of conference proceedings of the scientific meeting dedicated to the foun...
The main goal of this article is to show that functional music is not confined within national or hi...
The article deals with the until-recently unknown descendants of the Carniolan polymath Janez Vajkar...
Članek prinaša kronološko, z viri podkrepljeno analizo konkretnih spodbud za nastanek Oddelka za muz...
The article, consisting of a schema and an introductory explanation, summarises a part of the findin...
Five distinct genres of music existed in Slovenian ethnic territory during medieval times: vernacula...
The article discusses turqueries with musical symbols from the 17th and 18th century, preserved in S...
The article observes distortions of the historiographical narrative about the musical culture of Slo...
The main goals of this article, devoted to the contribution of the prominent Serbian musicologist...
This paper provides an overview of the literature on Slovenian musical composition and performance. ...
V svoji diplomski seminarski nalogi sem govorila o slovenski narodno-zabavni glasbi, kot po drugi sv...
This article writes about the project „Das Volkslied in Österreich“ (Folk Song in Austria) that was ...