Comparative analyses (OECD 2015) indicate considerably lower school performance of migrant children compared to their non-migrating peers. Consequently, providing quality education for migrant children in order to establish a socially cohesive and inclusive society is seen as a serious challenge. The paper presents the results of a study conducted with migrant schoolchildren in Slovenian primary schools (n = 40) aimed at investigating their perception of what a good school is. The results of the study will allow us to include migrant children’s perspectives when designing the programme for working with migrant children in Slovenian schools.Avtorica v članku najprej predstavi rezultate mednarodnih primerjalnih raziskav (OECD 2015), ki kažejo...
In order to achieve a successful integration of immigrant children, different forms of inclusion are...
Za učenca, ki se preseli v novo okolje, kjer začne obiskovati novo šolo in ne razume učnega jezika, ...
The article describes various forms and characteristics of ethnic economies, and then focuses on the...
Vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem ima zagotovo eno ključnih vlog v procesu integracije migrantskih otrok ...
Priseljevanje je tako v Sloveniji in na Nizozemskem kot drugod po svetu še vedno ena najbolj aktualn...
The revised legislation for primary and secondary schools provides an intensive language courses of ...
Contemporary documents and guidelines, at both the national and EU levels, emphasize the importance ...
Kljub 18-letni praksi vključevanja otrok s posebnimi vzgojno-izobraževalnimi potrebami v redne progr...
The inclusion of migrant children into the formal education system of the Republic of Serbia represe...
The authors explore the attitudes of residents of Kostel and Osilnica, two Slovenian municipalities ...
Diplomsko delo odgovarja na raziskovalna vprašanja o odnosu do migrantov ter morebitni pomoči migran...
Slovenija se je po osamosvojitvi leta 1991 soočila z nekaterimi novimi oblikami priseljevanja, z vst...
Naraščajoči imigracijski trendi v evropskem prostoru v zadnjih letih postavljajo izobraževalne siste...
The article summarizes the results of a pilot research that examined experience of teachers involved...
The author of this paper shows the underdevelopment of the demographic and economic aspects of the r...
In order to achieve a successful integration of immigrant children, different forms of inclusion are...
Za učenca, ki se preseli v novo okolje, kjer začne obiskovati novo šolo in ne razume učnega jezika, ...
The article describes various forms and characteristics of ethnic economies, and then focuses on the...
Vzgojno-izobraževalni sistem ima zagotovo eno ključnih vlog v procesu integracije migrantskih otrok ...
Priseljevanje je tako v Sloveniji in na Nizozemskem kot drugod po svetu še vedno ena najbolj aktualn...
The revised legislation for primary and secondary schools provides an intensive language courses of ...
Contemporary documents and guidelines, at both the national and EU levels, emphasize the importance ...
Kljub 18-letni praksi vključevanja otrok s posebnimi vzgojno-izobraževalnimi potrebami v redne progr...
The inclusion of migrant children into the formal education system of the Republic of Serbia represe...
The authors explore the attitudes of residents of Kostel and Osilnica, two Slovenian municipalities ...
Diplomsko delo odgovarja na raziskovalna vprašanja o odnosu do migrantov ter morebitni pomoči migran...
Slovenija se je po osamosvojitvi leta 1991 soočila z nekaterimi novimi oblikami priseljevanja, z vst...
Naraščajoči imigracijski trendi v evropskem prostoru v zadnjih letih postavljajo izobraževalne siste...
The article summarizes the results of a pilot research that examined experience of teachers involved...
The author of this paper shows the underdevelopment of the demographic and economic aspects of the r...
In order to achieve a successful integration of immigrant children, different forms of inclusion are...
Za učenca, ki se preseli v novo okolje, kjer začne obiskovati novo šolo in ne razume učnega jezika, ...
The article describes various forms and characteristics of ethnic economies, and then focuses on the...