Od uveljavitve krasoslovja kot znanosti ob koncu 19. stoletja so se metode proučevanja krasa razvile od klasifi kacije do sistemskega pristopa, ki omogoča napovedovanje v x, y, z in t. Zbiranju informacij, ki naj bi dale odgovor na vprašanje »kaj je to«, so sledila vprašanja »zakaj in kako« ter »kaj če«. Sprememba vprašanj je zahtevala zbiranje novih informacij, ki so spremenile način znanstvenega dojemanja krasa. Celotno vrednotenje razvoja v krasoslovnih študijah zahteva evolucijski pristop. Za sledenje sprememb v dojemanju krasa glede na razvoj uporabljane metodologije lahko defi niramo štiri glavne stopnje s prehodnimi mejami. Po razpravi o zgodovini krasoslovnih študij v Turčiji se avtor sprašuje o vzrokih, zaradi katerih napredek ni b...
The Golpazari-Huyuk karst system is located in the Central Sakarya Basin whose geomorphologic evolut...
A good knowledge of the natural and cultural heritage of karst is a precondition for the rational pl...
The analysis of basic morphological characteristics of the valleys in karst of the Serbian Carpatho-...
This paper re-evaluates the karst phenomenon in Turkey basing on the controlling factors such as, th...
G. K. W... Karst hydrology, history o, natural sciences, karst hydrogeological The term "karst ...
Approximately, 40% of Turkey’s landmass consists of soluble rocks (limestone, dolomite, and gypsum) ...
Razvoj znanstvenih disciplina koje se s raznih aspekata bave Zemljom, njenim postankom, njenom povij...
Pētījuma tēma ir karsta procesa izpēte ģeogrāfijas un ķīmijas mācību priekšmetos. Kā piemērs tiek ap...
Običajna definicija kraškega polja je »velika zaprta kraška depresija z ravnim dnom, kraškim odtokom...
Karstology is an integrated system of sciences related to karst, similar to physical geography. Amon...
In this study, karstic shapes in the area of Uşak province and physical geography factors affecting ...
Karst is characterized particularly by special landforms and sub surface drainage. The various acti...
Bu çalışmada Uşak ili arazisindeki karstik şekiller ile bunların oluşmasında ve gelişmesinde etkili ...
The age of a karst can be defined as the time when the karst rocks were uplifted out of the sea. The...
Research into the landforms of karst highlands in the middle latitudes began in the "Classical Karst...
The Golpazari-Huyuk karst system is located in the Central Sakarya Basin whose geomorphologic evolut...
A good knowledge of the natural and cultural heritage of karst is a precondition for the rational pl...
The analysis of basic morphological characteristics of the valleys in karst of the Serbian Carpatho-...
This paper re-evaluates the karst phenomenon in Turkey basing on the controlling factors such as, th...
G. K. W... Karst hydrology, history o, natural sciences, karst hydrogeological The term "karst ...
Approximately, 40% of Turkey’s landmass consists of soluble rocks (limestone, dolomite, and gypsum) ...
Razvoj znanstvenih disciplina koje se s raznih aspekata bave Zemljom, njenim postankom, njenom povij...
Pētījuma tēma ir karsta procesa izpēte ģeogrāfijas un ķīmijas mācību priekšmetos. Kā piemērs tiek ap...
Običajna definicija kraškega polja je »velika zaprta kraška depresija z ravnim dnom, kraškim odtokom...
Karstology is an integrated system of sciences related to karst, similar to physical geography. Amon...
In this study, karstic shapes in the area of Uşak province and physical geography factors affecting ...
Karst is characterized particularly by special landforms and sub surface drainage. The various acti...
Bu çalışmada Uşak ili arazisindeki karstik şekiller ile bunların oluşmasında ve gelişmesinde etkili ...
The age of a karst can be defined as the time when the karst rocks were uplifted out of the sea. The...
Research into the landforms of karst highlands in the middle latitudes began in the "Classical Karst...
The Golpazari-Huyuk karst system is located in the Central Sakarya Basin whose geomorphologic evolut...
A good knowledge of the natural and cultural heritage of karst is a precondition for the rational pl...
The analysis of basic morphological characteristics of the valleys in karst of the Serbian Carpatho-...