Recently, alternative and complementary medicine has grown, both in Brazil, in European countries and in the United States. She has presented several approaches such as yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic and reflexology, among other therapeutic options. This medicine deals with ancient healing systems that work the human being in a perspective of integration of mind and body. With regard to the therapist / patient relationship, these therapeutic approaches have promoted a holistic approach to the patient, stimulating the patient's self-healing capacity and a sensitive and interpersonal relationship between therapist and client. These characteristics can lead to a humanization of the doctor / patient relationship as well as the therapeutic proc...
The aim of this study is to describe the multi and interdisciplinary experience of a health workers ...
With this study we intend to understand the significance of empowerment in Integrative Community The...
The aim of this study is to discuss complementary therapies in Brazil looking towards comprehensive ...
A crescente demanda na procura por medicinas e terapias complementares e sua progressiva aceitação p...
Nas duas últimas décadas assistimos a um crescimento da popularidade e da procura das Medicinas Comp...
The author, coordinator of TCendo.sp – teaching and development, an integrative community therapy fo...
O texto busca esclarecer as peculiaridades da homeopatia que, apesar de fazer parte do rol das espec...
The article examines the relations that may exist between gender and holistic representations of hea...
O trabalho não apresenta resumo.Esta producción no tiene resumen.O trabalho não apresenta resumo
O presente trabalho visa suscitar uma reflexão sobre espiritualidade relacionada às práticas integra...
So-called alternative medical practices, now favored in Brazil, are discussed in terms of their meth...
Pain is considered an unpleasant experience, which functions as an alarm system for some organic dam...
This is a brief introduction to the system of AnthroposophicMedicine (AM), its cognitive and scienti...
The Integrative Community Therapy (ICT), in addition to being a therapeutic method, is considered a ...
A prática de uma medicina cada vez mais centrada na tecnologia e menos na comunicação, tem vindo...
The aim of this study is to describe the multi and interdisciplinary experience of a health workers ...
With this study we intend to understand the significance of empowerment in Integrative Community The...
The aim of this study is to discuss complementary therapies in Brazil looking towards comprehensive ...
A crescente demanda na procura por medicinas e terapias complementares e sua progressiva aceitação p...
Nas duas últimas décadas assistimos a um crescimento da popularidade e da procura das Medicinas Comp...
The author, coordinator of TCendo.sp – teaching and development, an integrative community therapy fo...
O texto busca esclarecer as peculiaridades da homeopatia que, apesar de fazer parte do rol das espec...
The article examines the relations that may exist between gender and holistic representations of hea...
O trabalho não apresenta resumo.Esta producción no tiene resumen.O trabalho não apresenta resumo
O presente trabalho visa suscitar uma reflexão sobre espiritualidade relacionada às práticas integra...
So-called alternative medical practices, now favored in Brazil, are discussed in terms of their meth...
Pain is considered an unpleasant experience, which functions as an alarm system for some organic dam...
This is a brief introduction to the system of AnthroposophicMedicine (AM), its cognitive and scienti...
The Integrative Community Therapy (ICT), in addition to being a therapeutic method, is considered a ...
A prática de uma medicina cada vez mais centrada na tecnologia e menos na comunicação, tem vindo...
The aim of this study is to describe the multi and interdisciplinary experience of a health workers ...
With this study we intend to understand the significance of empowerment in Integrative Community The...
The aim of this study is to discuss complementary therapies in Brazil looking towards comprehensive ...