Viðfangsefni þessarar ritgerðar er indversk hjónabönd og áhrif kastakerfisins á makaval hindúa. Stuðst er við kenningu Marcel Mauss um gjafaskipti og varpað ljósi á það hvernig hjónaband er ekki trúarlegt fyrirbæri heldur viðskiptasamningur milli tveggja fjölskyldna. Hjónaband er skoðað út frá þeim þáttum sem hafa áhrif á hjónabands viðskiptasamninginn líkt og brúðarauður, heimamundur, reglur um innvens og útvensl, búsetumynstur, ættrakning og félagsleg- og efnahagsleg staða fólks. Indversk hjónabönd eru skoðuð út frá hugmyndum hindúisma og þróun hjónabandsaðferða í ljósi nútímavæðingu Indlands. Á Indlandi hefur hjónabandsaldur hækkað bæði hjá stúlkum og drengjum, hjónabönd náinna ættingja eru talin óæskileg og svokölluð ástarhjónabönd hafa...
Whilst not an exhaustive examination, this paper will explore some of the key areas of the diversity...
Praca ma na celu scharakteryzowanie statusu kobiety oraz instytucji małżeństwa w tradycji hinduskiej...
In this study, we examine love marriage in India, its trends, the diversity of practices across cult...
Statement of responsibility on t.p. reads: Abhijit V. Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Maitreesh Ghatak, Jean...
This dissertation examines attitudes towards mate selection and marriage among Hindus in Bangalore, ...
This paper studies the role played by caste, education and other social and economic attributes in a...
Savā darbā par tēmu - Laulība Starptautiskajā Krišnas Apziņas Biedrībā, es esmu aprakstījis to, kā K...
LSE’s Maitreesh Ghatak, Abhijit Banerjee (MIT), Esther Duflo (MIT), and Jeanne Lafortune (Pontificia...
Each social group in the Indian context, whether it may be a caste or religion or tribe, has its own...
Małżeństwo od zawsze było bardzo ważne dla mieszkańców Indii. Odnoszą się do niego liczne dzieła sta...
application/pdfTraditionally, most marriages in India are arranged marriages, in which parents find ...
This paper constructs an empirical model of spouse selection based on Becker’s efficient marriage ma...
The acceptable norm of marriage in the Hindu society is marriage within the same caste. For years In...
Tematem niniejszej pracy jest analiza zwyczaju swajamwary jako formy zawierania małżeństwa w Indiach...
In India, “Vivaha or marriage, is one of the most significant samaskara” (rite of passage) in Hindui...
Whilst not an exhaustive examination, this paper will explore some of the key areas of the diversity...
Praca ma na celu scharakteryzowanie statusu kobiety oraz instytucji małżeństwa w tradycji hinduskiej...
In this study, we examine love marriage in India, its trends, the diversity of practices across cult...
Statement of responsibility on t.p. reads: Abhijit V. Banerjee, Esther Duflo, Maitreesh Ghatak, Jean...
This dissertation examines attitudes towards mate selection and marriage among Hindus in Bangalore, ...
This paper studies the role played by caste, education and other social and economic attributes in a...
Savā darbā par tēmu - Laulība Starptautiskajā Krišnas Apziņas Biedrībā, es esmu aprakstījis to, kā K...
LSE’s Maitreesh Ghatak, Abhijit Banerjee (MIT), Esther Duflo (MIT), and Jeanne Lafortune (Pontificia...
Each social group in the Indian context, whether it may be a caste or religion or tribe, has its own...
Małżeństwo od zawsze było bardzo ważne dla mieszkańców Indii. Odnoszą się do niego liczne dzieła sta...
application/pdfTraditionally, most marriages in India are arranged marriages, in which parents find ...
This paper constructs an empirical model of spouse selection based on Becker’s efficient marriage ma...
The acceptable norm of marriage in the Hindu society is marriage within the same caste. For years In...
Tematem niniejszej pracy jest analiza zwyczaju swajamwary jako formy zawierania małżeństwa w Indiach...
In India, “Vivaha or marriage, is one of the most significant samaskara” (rite of passage) in Hindui...
Whilst not an exhaustive examination, this paper will explore some of the key areas of the diversity...
Praca ma na celu scharakteryzowanie statusu kobiety oraz instytucji małżeństwa w tradycji hinduskiej...
In this study, we examine love marriage in India, its trends, the diversity of practices across cult...