The prediction of stock market price direction serves as a primary financial distress warning framework for long-term investors, and as early reference framework for short-term investors. The most important factor in selecting a forecasting method is accuracy. The suitable stock selection appropriate for investment, is a tough task. The key aspect for each stockholder is to earn maximum revenues on investments. In the research reported in the thesis, singular spectrum analysis and support vector machines were used. Singular spectrum analysis is an effective noise reduction algorithm, which eliminates noise by choosing informative terms and reconstructing a filtered time series which is nonstationary or noisy. Support vector machines is a de...
With technological development, trading in stock markets has become more accessible to the general p...
In this study, a prediction model based on support vector machines (SVM) improved by introducing a v...
Financial markets facilitate international trade, are indicative of the future prospects of organiza...
AbstractThis paper, using the singular spectrum analysis (SSA), decomposes the stock price into term...
In recent years with the advent of computational power, Machine Learning has become a popular approa...
Prediction of stock trends is the most significant and challenging task for the enterprise as well a...
The purpose of predictive stock price systems is to provide abnormal returns for financial market op...
This report depicts the work done by me, Abburu Manasa, as a contribution towards my Final Year Proj...
Previous research shows strong evidence that traditional regression based predictive models face sig...
In current stock market,people are concerned more about the stock price prediction in recent years d...
Prediction of the trend of the stock market is very crucial. If someone has robust forecasting tools...
Stock market is a highly complex and non-linear dynamic system. Successful predictions in the stock ...
The main objective of stock market investors is to maximize their gains. As a result, stock price fo...
The aim of the paper was to outline a trend prediction model for the BELEX15 stock market index of t...
Today, time series data are predicted using various methods. The main technique currently used to id...
With technological development, trading in stock markets has become more accessible to the general p...
In this study, a prediction model based on support vector machines (SVM) improved by introducing a v...
Financial markets facilitate international trade, are indicative of the future prospects of organiza...
AbstractThis paper, using the singular spectrum analysis (SSA), decomposes the stock price into term...
In recent years with the advent of computational power, Machine Learning has become a popular approa...
Prediction of stock trends is the most significant and challenging task for the enterprise as well a...
The purpose of predictive stock price systems is to provide abnormal returns for financial market op...
This report depicts the work done by me, Abburu Manasa, as a contribution towards my Final Year Proj...
Previous research shows strong evidence that traditional regression based predictive models face sig...
In current stock market,people are concerned more about the stock price prediction in recent years d...
Prediction of the trend of the stock market is very crucial. If someone has robust forecasting tools...
Stock market is a highly complex and non-linear dynamic system. Successful predictions in the stock ...
The main objective of stock market investors is to maximize their gains. As a result, stock price fo...
The aim of the paper was to outline a trend prediction model for the BELEX15 stock market index of t...
Today, time series data are predicted using various methods. The main technique currently used to id...
With technological development, trading in stock markets has become more accessible to the general p...
In this study, a prediction model based on support vector machines (SVM) improved by introducing a v...
Financial markets facilitate international trade, are indicative of the future prospects of organiza...