Trombin je enzimski aktivan protein koji ima centralnu ulogu u procesu koagulacijske kaskade. Nastaje aktivacijom protrombina, plazmatskog proteina koji se sintetizira isključivo u jetri. U početku procesa koagulacijske kaskade, male količine trombina aktiviraju faktore V, VIII i XI koji pozitivnom povratnom spregom pospješuju dodatno generiranje trombina. Nagli skok aktiviranog trombina u kasnijoj fazi, pretvaranjem fibrinogena u fibrin posreduje stvaranje fibrinske mrežice i krvnog ugruška. Također, aktiviranjem faktora XIII pojačava čvrstoću fibrinske mrežice te sprječava njenu fibrinolitičku razgradnju plazminom. Vezanjem za trombomodulin, aktivira TAFI te dodatno stabilizira ugrušak. Također, trombin vezanjem za trombomodulin pokreće i...
Thrombophilia is an acquired or inherited malfunction of the haemostatic system, characterized by in...
Summary Thrombophilia is a multifactorial disorder, involving both genetic and acquired risk factors...
After generation from prothrombin, thrombin plays multiple roles in the blood coagulation cascade th...
Trombin je enzimski aktivan protein koji ima centralnu ulogu u procesu koagulacijske kaskade. Nastaj...
Protrombin (Faktor II) je prekursor trombina, jednog od ključnih molekula u održavanju hemostazne ra...
Hemostaza je složeni proces u kojem sudjeluju endotel krvnih žila, sustav zgrušavanja, trombociti, s...
Thrombin is the enzyme of the haemostasis system that stands at the crossroads between the coagulati...
A trombin a véralvadási kaszkád egyik kulcsenzime, amely mind pro-, mind antikoaguláns funkcióval re...
Koagulační kaskáda se rozděluje na tři části: vnitřní koagulační systém, vnější koagulační systém a ...
Surrauenv.- Thrombosis, either venous and arterial, is the most important cause of death in our soci...
Pojam trombofilija podrazumijeva nasljedne i/ili stečene poremećaje mehanizma hemostaze koji predisp...
Thrombin is the terminal protease in the coagulation cascade and plays a pivotal role in haemostasis...
textabstractThrombin and thrombus. The plasma coagulation system is activated in response to vascula...
Actualmente se acepta de forma categórica que el evento iniciador principal de la coagulación sanguí...
Le facteur X de la coagulation (FX) permet la génération de thrombine responsable de la formation d ...
Thrombophilia is an acquired or inherited malfunction of the haemostatic system, characterized by in...
Summary Thrombophilia is a multifactorial disorder, involving both genetic and acquired risk factors...
After generation from prothrombin, thrombin plays multiple roles in the blood coagulation cascade th...
Trombin je enzimski aktivan protein koji ima centralnu ulogu u procesu koagulacijske kaskade. Nastaj...
Protrombin (Faktor II) je prekursor trombina, jednog od ključnih molekula u održavanju hemostazne ra...
Hemostaza je složeni proces u kojem sudjeluju endotel krvnih žila, sustav zgrušavanja, trombociti, s...
Thrombin is the enzyme of the haemostasis system that stands at the crossroads between the coagulati...
A trombin a véralvadási kaszkád egyik kulcsenzime, amely mind pro-, mind antikoaguláns funkcióval re...
Koagulační kaskáda se rozděluje na tři části: vnitřní koagulační systém, vnější koagulační systém a ...
Surrauenv.- Thrombosis, either venous and arterial, is the most important cause of death in our soci...
Pojam trombofilija podrazumijeva nasljedne i/ili stečene poremećaje mehanizma hemostaze koji predisp...
Thrombin is the terminal protease in the coagulation cascade and plays a pivotal role in haemostasis...
textabstractThrombin and thrombus. The plasma coagulation system is activated in response to vascula...
Actualmente se acepta de forma categórica que el evento iniciador principal de la coagulación sanguí...
Le facteur X de la coagulation (FX) permet la génération de thrombine responsable de la formation d ...
Thrombophilia is an acquired or inherited malfunction of the haemostatic system, characterized by in...
Summary Thrombophilia is a multifactorial disorder, involving both genetic and acquired risk factors...
After generation from prothrombin, thrombin plays multiple roles in the blood coagulation cascade th...