Ovaj rad sastoji se od teoretskog i eksperimentalnog dijela. U teoretskom dijelu rada opisani su nehrđajući čelici i njihova zavarljivost, TIG postupak zavarivanja i statički vlačni pokus. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada donesena je ocjena zavarljivosti čelika X20Cr13 analizom vrijednosti dobivenih statičkim vlačnim pokusom na uzorcima zavarenim automatskim TIG zavarivanjem.This paper consists of theoretical and experimental part. In theoretical part of the paper, stainless steels and their weldability, as well as the TIG welding process and static tensile test are described. In experimental part of the paper, an evaluation of weldability for steel X20Cr13 has been given by analyzing data obtained through static tensile test carried out on t...