Klimatske promjene početkom holocena mijenjaju okoliš. Rast morske razine dovodi do nestanka velikih kopnenih površina, dok širenje šumskog pokrivača utječe na promjene u ekosustavu. Velike ledenodobne preživače zamjenjuje sitnija divljač prilagođena šumskim uvjetima dok transgresija mora omogućuje pristup morskim resursima. Mezolitičke lovačkosakupljačke zajednice primorane su adaptirati svoje strategije preživljavanja novonastalim uvjetima. Dokazi prilagodbe vidljivi su u promjeni materijalne kulture koja je prilagođena privrednim aktivnostima u izmijenjenom okolišu. Navedene privredne aktivnosti su i dalje vezane uz lovačko-sakupljačku komponentu. Zamjena lovačko-sakupljačke privrede onom proizvodnom označava početak neolitika. Osim prom...
ARCHAEOWILD: The Holocene History of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence: Archaeozoological, Arc...
U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja usredotočenog na relacije između neolitičkih zajednic...
The current generally accepted view of the dispersal of farming into Europe is that farming groups i...
The Neolithization of the Balkans could be considered as a very complex social phenomenon. In this w...
With climatic improvement at the beginning of the Holocene, small human groups across the world expe...
Anatomski moderni ljudi na tlo Europe dolaze oko 45 000 god. pr. sadašnjosti i tada započinje razdob...
The beginning of farming in the Adriatic is a topic ripe for a new discussion and synthesis. Several...
The specific character of the Iron Gates Mesolithic material culture derives from the geomorphologic...
I examine the hypothesis that environmental changes associated with the last deglaciation led to the...
Kvartarni period obilježen je izrazitim klimatskim oscilacijama. Izmjene glacijala i inter...
Neolitsko naselje u Vinči pored Beograda bilo je naseljeno duže od jednog milenijuma (između 5600 i ...
This study investigates environmental constraints on human settlement over time by researching palae...
The territorial behaviour of the hunters-gatherers groups in the North-eastern side of Italy and in ...
This work is concerned with changes in settlement strategy of the hunther-gatherer communities throu...
According to traditional views, the main reason for ‘demesolithisation’ in East Central Europe was t...
ARCHAEOWILD: The Holocene History of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence: Archaeozoological, Arc...
U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja usredotočenog na relacije između neolitičkih zajednic...
The current generally accepted view of the dispersal of farming into Europe is that farming groups i...
The Neolithization of the Balkans could be considered as a very complex social phenomenon. In this w...
With climatic improvement at the beginning of the Holocene, small human groups across the world expe...
Anatomski moderni ljudi na tlo Europe dolaze oko 45 000 god. pr. sadašnjosti i tada započinje razdob...
The beginning of farming in the Adriatic is a topic ripe for a new discussion and synthesis. Several...
The specific character of the Iron Gates Mesolithic material culture derives from the geomorphologic...
I examine the hypothesis that environmental changes associated with the last deglaciation led to the...
Kvartarni period obilježen je izrazitim klimatskim oscilacijama. Izmjene glacijala i inter...
Neolitsko naselje u Vinči pored Beograda bilo je naseljeno duže od jednog milenijuma (između 5600 i ...
This study investigates environmental constraints on human settlement over time by researching palae...
The territorial behaviour of the hunters-gatherers groups in the North-eastern side of Italy and in ...
This work is concerned with changes in settlement strategy of the hunther-gatherer communities throu...
According to traditional views, the main reason for ‘demesolithisation’ in East Central Europe was t...
ARCHAEOWILD: The Holocene History of Human-Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence: Archaeozoological, Arc...
U radu su predstavljeni rezultati istraživanja usredotočenog na relacije između neolitičkih zajednic...
The current generally accepted view of the dispersal of farming into Europe is that farming groups i...