Einfluss des Nikotinkonsums und des Body Mass Index auf die Dehiszenzrate und die Langzeitrezidivrate des primär operierten Sinus Pilonidalis

  • Sievert, Heidi
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Publication date
January 2019
Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek


The influence of smoking and body mass index on wound dehiscence and long term recurrence rate of primary excised pilonidal sinus The study analyses the influence of lifestyle issues smoking and obesity on postoperativ wound dehiscence and long term recurrence rate of primary excised presacral pilonidal sinus. A database of 1.968 patients of three german military hospitals treated by excision and primary midline closure or excision and open granulation between the years of 1980 and 1996 was systematically analysed retrospectively. Long term recurrence rate was coupiled by a standard telephone interview of 534 patients randomized from the above mentioned group. The average interview took place 14,2 years following surgery (confidence int...

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