Meningsfullt bistånd : En kritisk analys av metaforer på Läkare Utan Gränsers webbplats

  • Vogel, Anna
Publication date
January 2019
University of Oslo Library


A Critical Analysis of Metaphors on Läkare Utan Gränsers's (Swedish Médecins Sans Frontières') Website The Nordic countries have a strong tradition of contributing to international development and humanitarian aid, but lately, aid has been subject to criticism. Research has called for studies that reveal conceptualizations and values tied to aid (Fretheim 2007; Hoeffler & Outram, 2011; Sogge, 2015). My focus is to study how the aid organization Médecins Sans Frontières conceptualize and value aid in their webpage texts. More specifically, I investigate how the organization’s texts make use of metaphors. Like Lakoff & Johnson (1980), I believe that metaphors disclose how one understands the world, and, in accordance with Charteris-Bl...

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