Testis torsiybnlannda surenin iskemik degisiklere olan etkisini ve bu etkinin hipotermi ile ne derecede geciktirebilecegini a(astirmak. Gereg ve Y6ntem:Or\ kopege bilateral orsiektomi uygulanarak, 20 adet torsiyone testis omegi elde edildi. Elde edilen ornekler 35°C, 20°C ve 5°C sicakliktaki ortamlarda 1 saat, 2 saat, 3 saat ve 6 saat bekletilerek histopatolojikjncelemeler icin ornekler alindi. Histopatolojik degerlendirmeler Johnsen testis biyopsi skoruna gore yapildi. Buigular: Isik mikroskobunda incelenen omeklerde 35°C'da 3 saat iginde seminifer tubulerde yer yer nekroza rastlandi. Ortalart|a Johnsen skoru 1.30±0.47 idi. Ortalama Johnsen skoru 20°C'da 3.0±0.65, 5"C'da 5.95+0.76 idi. 5°C'da 6 saat^bekletilen omeklerde seminifer tubul baz...
Objectives: To determine whether angiotensin and endothelin have any role in testicular ischemia rep...
Spematic cord torsion is one of the more common surgical urological emergencies in childhood. An exp...
The resumption of blood flow to organs following ischemia may cause a further increase in tissue dam...
PURPOSE: We determined whether experimental testicular torsion results in gonadal cooling and whethe...
Introduction: Brief episodes of ischemia followed by periods of reperfusion generate a powerful prot...
Testis torsiyonu spermatik kordun dönerek Skrotum içindeki testis ve ona komşu dokulara giden kan ak...
Introduction: Testicular torsion is a common surgical emergency affecting newborns, children and ado...
Amaç: Testis torsiyonu, ürolojik bir acil olarak tanımlanan akut skrotumun ana nedenlerindendir. Tor...
© 2021 Journal of Pediatric Urology CompanyIntroduction: Testicular torsion is an acute pediatric su...
1080-1087Germ cell death and their removal from the seminiferous epithelium are common in the affec...
Amaç: Testis torsiyonunda cerrahi olarak detorsiyone edilen testiste gelişen iskemi/reperfüzyon (I/R...
The objective was to assess the effect of a short-term scrotal hyperthermia in dogs on quantitative ...
Amaç: Testiküler torsiyon infertiliteye neden olabilen yaygın bir sendromdur. Bu çalışma farklı farm...
Acute torsion of the testicle(s) is one of the common emergencies in the field of urology; it result...
Testicular ischemia and necrosis are quite rare complications following inguinal hernia repair. Ther...
Objectives: To determine whether angiotensin and endothelin have any role in testicular ischemia rep...
Spematic cord torsion is one of the more common surgical urological emergencies in childhood. An exp...
The resumption of blood flow to organs following ischemia may cause a further increase in tissue dam...
PURPOSE: We determined whether experimental testicular torsion results in gonadal cooling and whethe...
Introduction: Brief episodes of ischemia followed by periods of reperfusion generate a powerful prot...
Testis torsiyonu spermatik kordun dönerek Skrotum içindeki testis ve ona komşu dokulara giden kan ak...
Introduction: Testicular torsion is a common surgical emergency affecting newborns, children and ado...
Amaç: Testis torsiyonu, ürolojik bir acil olarak tanımlanan akut skrotumun ana nedenlerindendir. Tor...
© 2021 Journal of Pediatric Urology CompanyIntroduction: Testicular torsion is an acute pediatric su...
1080-1087Germ cell death and their removal from the seminiferous epithelium are common in the affec...
Amaç: Testis torsiyonunda cerrahi olarak detorsiyone edilen testiste gelişen iskemi/reperfüzyon (I/R...
The objective was to assess the effect of a short-term scrotal hyperthermia in dogs on quantitative ...
Amaç: Testiküler torsiyon infertiliteye neden olabilen yaygın bir sendromdur. Bu çalışma farklı farm...
Acute torsion of the testicle(s) is one of the common emergencies in the field of urology; it result...
Testicular ischemia and necrosis are quite rare complications following inguinal hernia repair. Ther...
Objectives: To determine whether angiotensin and endothelin have any role in testicular ischemia rep...
Spematic cord torsion is one of the more common surgical urological emergencies in childhood. An exp...
The resumption of blood flow to organs following ischemia may cause a further increase in tissue dam...