İzlemde bulunan 14 hastadaki 15 renal anjiyomiyoHpoma ait bilgiler ve izlem sonuçları, bu tümörün doğal seyrini belirlemek amacıyla retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların hiçbirisinde tüberoz skleroz tanısı yoktu. Ortalama yaşı 42 olan (28 ile 54 yıl arasında) hastaların tümü kadındı ve 1 tanesinde lezyon bilateraldi. On hastada tümör insidental olarak bulunurken 4 hastada semptomlara neden olmuştu. Tanı 10 hastada abdominal ultrasonografi ile kondu, bilgisayarlı tomografi ile onaylandı. Diğer 4 hastada tanı primer olarak tomografide saptandı. Üç hastada tümör çapı 4 cm'den büyüktü ve bu hastalara cerrahi tedavi uygulandı. Daha küçük tümörler altı aylık aralarla ultrasonografik olarak incelendi. İzlem süresi 1 yıl ile 5.5 yılarasında değ...
To present our experience with renal angiomyolipoma. The series comprised 27 patients (26 female, 1 ...
Renal angiomyolipoma is a benign tumour of the kidney that can lead to long term morbidity irre-spec...
Purpose Angiomyolipomas are rare benign renal tumors. To date only few studies have been published r...
Renal anjiomiyolipoma, preoperatif olarak renal hücreli karsinoma ile karışabilen böbreğin benign tü...
Anjiyomiyolipoma böbrekte, retroperitoneal hemoraji yapabilen, mikroskopik olarak damar yapıları, dü...
画像診断又は摘出標本より病理組織学的に腎血管筋脂肪腫(AML)と診断した23例を対象とし, 手術施行群9例と経過観察群14例とに分類した.手術施行群の術前診断や, 両群間における男女比, 年齢, 腫瘍...
Objectives: To analyze and present the demography, clinical behavior, especially the risk factors of...
目的探讨肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤的诊治方法.方法总结分析72例肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤患者的临床资料.统计学方法采用χ2检验.结果 13例(18.1%)术前误诊.诊断正确率B超为73.6%(53/72),CT为8...
Renal angiomyolipoma, once considered a rare benign renal tumour, is relatively common these days. T...
ABSTRACT Objective: Angiomyolipoma (AML) of the kidney is an uncommon tumour that, until recently, ...
Angiomyolipoma (AML) is a mesenchymal renal tumor composedof variable proportions of adipose tissue ...
OBJECTIVE: To examine the presentation, management and outcomes of patients with renal angiomyolipom...
Angiomyolipoma is a benign mesenchymal mass diagnosed by ultra. In this thesis I analysed the incide...
Renal angiomyolipomas are rare tumors that may be seen with tuberous sclerosis and cause massive ret...
A 25-year-old female was admitted for further investigation of the right renal mass, which was noted...
To present our experience with renal angiomyolipoma. The series comprised 27 patients (26 female, 1 ...
Renal angiomyolipoma is a benign tumour of the kidney that can lead to long term morbidity irre-spec...
Purpose Angiomyolipomas are rare benign renal tumors. To date only few studies have been published r...
Renal anjiomiyolipoma, preoperatif olarak renal hücreli karsinoma ile karışabilen böbreğin benign tü...
Anjiyomiyolipoma böbrekte, retroperitoneal hemoraji yapabilen, mikroskopik olarak damar yapıları, dü...
画像診断又は摘出標本より病理組織学的に腎血管筋脂肪腫(AML)と診断した23例を対象とし, 手術施行群9例と経過観察群14例とに分類した.手術施行群の術前診断や, 両群間における男女比, 年齢, 腫瘍...
Objectives: To analyze and present the demography, clinical behavior, especially the risk factors of...
目的探讨肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤的诊治方法.方法总结分析72例肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤患者的临床资料.统计学方法采用χ2检验.结果 13例(18.1%)术前误诊.诊断正确率B超为73.6%(53/72),CT为8...
Renal angiomyolipoma, once considered a rare benign renal tumour, is relatively common these days. T...
ABSTRACT Objective: Angiomyolipoma (AML) of the kidney is an uncommon tumour that, until recently, ...
Angiomyolipoma (AML) is a mesenchymal renal tumor composedof variable proportions of adipose tissue ...
OBJECTIVE: To examine the presentation, management and outcomes of patients with renal angiomyolipom...
Angiomyolipoma is a benign mesenchymal mass diagnosed by ultra. In this thesis I analysed the incide...
Renal angiomyolipomas are rare tumors that may be seen with tuberous sclerosis and cause massive ret...
A 25-year-old female was admitted for further investigation of the right renal mass, which was noted...
To present our experience with renal angiomyolipoma. The series comprised 27 patients (26 female, 1 ...
Renal angiomyolipoma is a benign tumour of the kidney that can lead to long term morbidity irre-spec...
Purpose Angiomyolipomas are rare benign renal tumors. To date only few studies have been published r...