TEZ11102Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2018.Kaynakça (s. 322-345) var.vi, 346 s. ; 29 cm.Batı ile Doğu dünyası arasındaki diyalektikle şekillenen Batı merkezli bir bilgi alanı olan oryantalizm, Edward W. Said’in 1978 yılında yayımlanan Şarkiyatçılık Batı’nın Şark Anlayışları adlı kitabı ile kurgusal bir atmosferde metinler aracılığıyla oluşan bir söylem olma niteliği kazanmıştır. Bu çalışmada Said’in kuramsal çerçevesini çizdiği oryantalizmin postmodern anlatıdaki görünümünün açığa çıkartılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda çalışmada postmodern Türk romanının önde gelen isimlerinden İhsan Oktay Anar, Hasan Ali Toptaş, Elif Şafak ve Orhan Pamuk’un romanlarının oryantalist bir okumaya tabi tutulmasıyla, Doğu’ya ilişkin temsil biç...
DergiPark: 326138trakyasobedPostcolonialism deals with the issues such as Orientalist discourse, los...
Edward Said’s ground-breaking work in postcolonial studies, Orientalism, has received both praise an...
ABSTRACTThis study uses novel Kisah Tragis Oei Hui Lan Putri Orang Terkaya di Indonesia as material ...
Postmodernism fundamentally supersedes the ideas of modern ages that base their perspective on ratio...
The novelist Orhan Pamuk rose to prominence as a writer in the midst of the westernized, secular Tur...
Edward Said'in, 1970'li yılların sonlarına doğru "kolonyal eleştiri"nin temellerini atan Orientalism...
Orhan Pamuk’s The White Castle is a historical novel that is set during the Ottoman reign. The novel...
This research paper is aimed to uncover the ways in which the western author, Alan Drew, represents ...
Orientalism is a 1978 book by Edward W. Said, in which Said studies the cultural representations tha...
Edward Said’in 1978 yılında neşrettiği Oryantalizm adlı eseri Sosyal Bilimlerde etkisi bugün de dev...
This thesis focuses on the production, circulation, and reception of contemporary Middle Eastern lit...
The paper focuses on the manner in which O. Pamuk deconstructs the East-West dichotomy in his allego...
Yüksek Lisans TeziModern Türk Hikâyesinde Postmodern Açılımlar adlı bu çalışma İkinci Dünya Savaşı'n...
Edward Said’s concept of “orientalism” is mainly grounded on the argument that the Orient is falsely...
DergiPark: 326138trakyasobedPostcolonialism deals with the issues such as Orientalist discourse, los...
Edward Said’s ground-breaking work in postcolonial studies, Orientalism, has received both praise an...
ABSTRACTThis study uses novel Kisah Tragis Oei Hui Lan Putri Orang Terkaya di Indonesia as material ...
Postmodernism fundamentally supersedes the ideas of modern ages that base their perspective on ratio...
The novelist Orhan Pamuk rose to prominence as a writer in the midst of the westernized, secular Tur...
Edward Said'in, 1970'li yılların sonlarına doğru "kolonyal eleştiri"nin temellerini atan Orientalism...
Orhan Pamuk’s The White Castle is a historical novel that is set during the Ottoman reign. The novel...
This research paper is aimed to uncover the ways in which the western author, Alan Drew, represents ...
Orientalism is a 1978 book by Edward W. Said, in which Said studies the cultural representations tha...
Edward Said’in 1978 yılında neşrettiği Oryantalizm adlı eseri Sosyal Bilimlerde etkisi bugün de dev...
This thesis focuses on the production, circulation, and reception of contemporary Middle Eastern lit...
The paper focuses on the manner in which O. Pamuk deconstructs the East-West dichotomy in his allego...
Yüksek Lisans TeziModern Türk Hikâyesinde Postmodern Açılımlar adlı bu çalışma İkinci Dünya Savaşı'n...
Edward Said’s concept of “orientalism” is mainly grounded on the argument that the Orient is falsely...
DergiPark: 326138trakyasobedPostcolonialism deals with the issues such as Orientalist discourse, los...
Edward Said’s ground-breaking work in postcolonial studies, Orientalism, has received both praise an...
ABSTRACTThis study uses novel Kisah Tragis Oei Hui Lan Putri Orang Terkaya di Indonesia as material ...