Marihuana kullanımına sekonder miyokard infarktüsü gelişebileceği tanımlanmıştır. Literatürde marihuana kullanımı sonrası miyokard infarktüsü gelişen, koroner arterlerinde önemli aterosklerotik lezyonu olmayan ve infarktüs gelişim mekanizması tam olarak aydınlatılamayan hastalar bildirilmiştir. Bu yazıda 26 yaşında bir erkek hastada, marihuana kullanımı sonrası akut miyokard infarktüsü gelişimi olgusu sunuldu. Hastanın koroner arterleri anjiyografide normal bulundu. Olgu dolayısı ile marihuana kullanımı ile miyokardiyal iskemi arasındaki patofizolojik ilişki tartışıldı. Genç hastalarda da böyle bir komplikasyona karşı bilgili olmanın önemi vurgulandı.Myocardial infarction is increasingly recognized as a complication of marijuana abuse. A si...
We encountered evidence of myocardial infarction due to coronary thrombosis in an autopsy of an occa...
Amongst the illicit drugs, heroin, cocaine and cannabis have been studied and documented well to cau...
Letter to the editor: Cannabis as a trigger for myocardial infarction has a population attributable...
Canabis abuse is a rare but well-known und increasing cause of myocardial infarction in young people...
The use of cannabis preparations has steadily increased. Although cannabis was traditionally assumed...
Eroin kullanımı sonrası akut miyokard infarktüsü ile ilişkili bilgiler sınırlıdır ve eroinin tetikle...
Incidence of drug abuse and cannabis have increased in young adults, recently. Ca...
We present the case of a young male with an orthopedic injury after a mechanical fall, who developed...
Marijuana, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the U...
Recreational substance use and misuse constitute a major public health issue. The annual rate of rec...
Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug. Over the last years more scientific studies focus on ...
Introduction: Causality of marijuana abuse with development of ischemic stroke has been indicated by...
Background: Cannabis sativa or indica also known as Indian hemp is most widely used illicit drug in ...
Amongst the illicit drugs, heroin, cocaine and cannabis have been studied and documented well to cau...
Cannabis (medical marijuana) is generally considered a low toxicity drug. The plant belongs to the f...
We encountered evidence of myocardial infarction due to coronary thrombosis in an autopsy of an occa...
Amongst the illicit drugs, heroin, cocaine and cannabis have been studied and documented well to cau...
Letter to the editor: Cannabis as a trigger for myocardial infarction has a population attributable...
Canabis abuse is a rare but well-known und increasing cause of myocardial infarction in young people...
The use of cannabis preparations has steadily increased. Although cannabis was traditionally assumed...
Eroin kullanımı sonrası akut miyokard infarktüsü ile ilişkili bilgiler sınırlıdır ve eroinin tetikle...
Incidence of drug abuse and cannabis have increased in young adults, recently. Ca...
We present the case of a young male with an orthopedic injury after a mechanical fall, who developed...
Marijuana, derived from the Cannabis sativa plant, is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the U...
Recreational substance use and misuse constitute a major public health issue. The annual rate of rec...
Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug. Over the last years more scientific studies focus on ...
Introduction: Causality of marijuana abuse with development of ischemic stroke has been indicated by...
Background: Cannabis sativa or indica also known as Indian hemp is most widely used illicit drug in ...
Amongst the illicit drugs, heroin, cocaine and cannabis have been studied and documented well to cau...
Cannabis (medical marijuana) is generally considered a low toxicity drug. The plant belongs to the f...
We encountered evidence of myocardial infarction due to coronary thrombosis in an autopsy of an occa...
Amongst the illicit drugs, heroin, cocaine and cannabis have been studied and documented well to cau...
Letter to the editor: Cannabis as a trigger for myocardial infarction has a population attributable...